Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1733: Young people must be temperate!

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"Ding! Rob the ancient tribes, rob ability +1, reputation +1!"

After leaving the Huangfu family, Ye Hong didn't say much in his mind, but was thinking about it silently.

In fact, he always felt a strong breath of ancient martial arts in that small courtyard.

Ye Hong knew that it was probably the greatest heritage of the Huangfu family.

But from beginning to end, that person did not show up, but sat watching Yehong to take away Huangfu smile.

In other words, that person is acquiesced in Ye Hong's move tonight.

This made Ye Hong could not help but have many speculations.

For example, the ancient alliance may not be a monolithic one?

In other words, the Huangfu family is working on some kind of plan?

Huangfu smiled and didn't say much, bulging his mouth and lowering his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

After struggling a few times and finding useless, Huangfu smiled and gave up struggling.


Ye Hong thought for a long time, but still brought Huangfu smile back to the hotel where he stayed.

He originally thought about contacting Wei Qianling and asking him to help others send Huangfu to laugh.

I also thought about making Huangfu stay with Qin Hongshuang who is in Kyoto.

But thinking about it, it is better to put her next to her and calm down.

When Ye Hong returned to the hotel, the delegation was not in discussion.

When they saw Ye Hong going out, they brought back a beautiful girl with their mouths open, not knowing what to say.

"Professor Gu, this is my friend smiling, because for some reason I have to stay in the hotel these days.

Can you arrange a room for her?

Of course, I will pay for the room separately and will not occupy the delegation’s funds. "

Gu Xinlan didn't refuse to hear the words from Ye Hong.

She just said bitterly, "You young people, can't bear the loneliness.

These days, you still have to be modest, don't affect the exchange meeting. "

At the same time, Zhuang Wei and Zhou Qianqian also secretly raised their thumbs up.

As for Zhao Xuanying, she also frowned and looked at Yehong, as if she knew him again.

Gu Xinlan's remarks, which were very easy to cause misunderstanding, made Huangfu laugh and blush.

The slender fingers stretched on Yehong's waist, twisted hard in Yehong's waist!

But this kind of strength is tantamount to tickling Yehong.

Ye Hong bid farewell to everyone and brought Huangfu smile to the newly opened room to settle.

"Don't think about going back to Huangfu's house. If you go back once, I will grab it once, until you don't return."

Before leaving, Ye Hong warned aggressively.


It was a big pillow to welcome Yehong!

After Yehong left, Huangfu smiled suddenly, holding his cheek gang, and his eyes were puzzled.

"What the **** is mom thinking?"

She scratched her hair anxiously, and somehow remembered Ye Hongfang's overbearing warning.

"Don't think about going back to Huangfu's house. If you go back once, I will grab it once, until you don't return."

Somehow, Huang Fu's smiling face suddenly turned red.

"This big neuropathy!"

She buried her head in a soft pillow, which seemed to relieve the heat on her face.

"Sister Xiaoling, Sister Xiaoyue, Sister Listening to Dreams... Are you doing well..."

In a murmur, Huangfu entered the dream without knowing it.

Outside the door, Ye Hong heard the uniform breathing sound inside, and then lifted his foot away.


Early the next morning, Ye Hong made Huangfu laugh at the hotel, and he followed the delegation to Beijing University again.

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