Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1734: Knowledge contest, fast answer

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On the second day of the Archaeological Culture Exchange Meeting, the content of the exchange was an archaeological knowledge contest with students as the main characters.

The competition was not held in the auditorium yesterday, but was replaced by a huge multimedia exhibition room.

In the center of the exhibition room is a large spherical screen facing in all directions.

The exhibition room in the shape of a staircase is like a terraced field with dozens of layers.

Each seat on the "Terrace" has a human-machine interactive instrument.

This machine is a bit like the one when Ye Hong was certified as a super-class ancient doctor. It can feed back the interaction results to the central spherical screen.

Students from delegations from all over the country have already sat down one after another.

Because today is the home of the students, the teachers who led the team did not come in, but stayed outside the exhibition room to wait for the result of the competition.

With the exception of one person.

He was Liu Zhaoxi, a professor at the Department of Archaeology of Beijing University who was not optimistic about prehistoric civilization research yesterday.

According to the introduction, Liu Zhaoxi will serve as the supervisor of the competition to prevent cheating.

Next to Liu Zhaoxi, stood a young Beijing University female student.

She is the host of this competition.

After an empty surface declaration, the host announced the start of the game.

This interactive question bank appears on the interactive instrument in front of each student.

Because everyone's question bank is randomly selected, there is no need to worry about the answers being peeped by the people next to them.

Before starting, the host said that there were two prizes for this competition.

One is the certificate and trophy awarded by Liu Zhaoxi himself.

The other one is special.

That was the invitation to attend the Yankee University Archaeological Union meeting tomorrow.

In other words, the student who won today will be eligible to participate in the formation of the discussion alliance.

The first reward, Yehong, does not matter, but this second reward, Yehong, wants to fight for Jiang Da.

According to the rumored news, the Yanguo University Archaeological Union would not be as simple as imagined.

There are rumors that the Sanctuary attaches great importance to the Yanguo University Archaeological Association and has sent representatives to participate in the establishment meeting.

Gu Xinlan had previously estimated that if any university could have a place in this alliance, it would surely acquire a large amount of archaeological resources in the future.

Because of the relationship between the study of prehistoric civilization, these resources of the archaeological department are what Ye Hong must fight for.

So in order to attend that key meeting tomorrow, Ye Hong, today's knowledge contest, must go all out.

With thoughts, the first question in the question bank jumped into Yehong's eyes.

[The location of the Taihang site]?


Ye Hong chose the option with ease.

"Ding! Trigger proficient archaeological knowledge, automatically matching the best answer..."

Ye Hong shook his head casually, and a lot of archaeological knowledge popped out of his mind.

"Brush, brush..."

Suddenly, the sound of Ye Hong's screen-swiping sounded.

This unusual frequency quickly attracted the attention of several people around.

They saw Ye Hong's lightning speed, and their eyes were almost staring out.

"How could it be fast?"

"嘁! It must have been a random answer after finding out that I didn't know how to do it."

After the consternation, everyone was a contempt.

Fang Yingrong, who was not far away, also saw this scene, and his face was even sneered.

"A freshman is a freshman, and a knowledge contest exposes his ignorance!"

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