Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1741: Kill two birds with one stone

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"Ding! Defeat a famous professor of archaeology, archaeology knowledge +1, competition ability +1, reputation +1!"

The scene was strange and silent.

The familiar 100% accuracy rate almost blinded everyone's eyes.

If you say that the question bank is 100% cleared for the first time, it can be interpreted as Yehong's luck.

That second abnormal performance made all the doubts in the hearts of everyone present disappear.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Yehong like hell.

They wanted to open Yehong's head to see if it contained a large archaeological dictionary!

Liu He's face was bloodless and he quietly hid in the crowd.

Although Ye Hong did not agree to his challenge, he now beat his professor father Liu Zhaoxi with a crushing result!

What could be more impactful than this result?

In this way, the challenge of Fang Cai Liu He to Ye Hong is just a joke.

Even Liu He would also like to thank Ye Hong for not accepting his challenge.

Otherwise, it is not just Liu Zhaoxi who is embarrassing now, the father and son will lose their faces together!

The party Liu Zhaoxi looked at the dazzling results on the screen silly, and murmured in his mouth: "Impossible, this is impossible..."

He came to the host and shouted hysterically: "Is the machine broken?!"

Startled by the gaffe Liu Zhaoxi, the host quickly checked the computer.

After a moment, the host apologized: "Professor Liu, I have checked it and there is no problem with the machine."

The implication is that you are too good to teach, quickly admit it.

Liu Zhaoxi shook himself and almost fell to the ground.

His lips are dry, and some do not know what to say.

As soon as this result came out, the aura on his professor of archaeology seemed to be gone.

And his original contempt for Jiang Da also became weak.

You aren't even a freshman from other freshmen at Jiangda. What qualifications can you question?

"Professor Liu, it's time to fulfill the gamble."

Zhou Qianqian "reminded" Liu Zhaoxi with a smirk.

According to the previous bet with Yehong, he must apologize in front of everyone facing Jiang Da.


Liu Zhaoxi opened his mouth, but he couldn't say a complete word for a long time.

Ye Hong glanced at Liu Zhaoxi lightly and greeted the people with a blank expression to go out: "Go."

"Hey! Just let him go?"

Zhao Xuanying chased up and said beside Yehong without a face.

"His apology is irrelevant."

Ye Hong replied lightly.

From the moment the result came out, Liu Zhaoxi's fate was determined.

Today, there are elite college students from all over the country.

They will naturally spread the results of this game.

From now on, Liu Zhaoxi's reputation in the archaeological world will plummet.

This is the biggest punishment for him.

Not only that, his disdainful prehistoric civilization research will spread throughout the archaeological world.

And defeating Liu Zhaoxi's Ye Hong is equivalent to rectifying the name for the study of prehistoric civilization.

At this point, other colleagues in the archaeological community who are studying prehistoric civilization will despise Liu Zhaoxi while trying to contact Ye Hong.

For Yehong's Prehistoric Civilization Research Office, it can be described as fame and fortune, and one stone with two arrows.

After listening to Ye Hong's explanation, Zhao Xuanying was completely silly.

He could not have imagined that Ye Hong's seemingly impulsive behavior was hidden behind such complicated minds and delusions.

For some reason, Zhao Xuanying felt a moment of happiness.

Fortunately, he and this kind of pervert are not enemies, otherwise when Ye Honghong's pants are gone, I don't know!

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