Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1742: The exotic flower of the next table

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After Ye Hong and others left, there was endless applause in the classroom.

After today, at least in the archaeological world, the name of Jiang Da will definitely be different from the past.

And the name of Ye Yun will also die in the minds of these students from all over the country.

They will never forget the shocking scene of a freshman who let the professor of Tang Jingjing feel complacent!

Not to mention how shocked those people were, the Jiang Da delegation decided to eat a big meal to celebrate today's victory.

They chose left and right, and finally chose a roast duck restaurant in Xishi District.

After Gu Xinlan passed the news of Ye Hong’s victory back to Jiang University, Wei Hongshu’s “Longyan Dayue” was particularly permitted to learn that she would spend more money to invite students to eat a sumptuous meal.

Throughout the whole of Kyoto, the best food is not clear to everyone, but the most famous one in the field is definitely the roast duck in Kyoto.

In front of me, this Four Seasons Jude Roast Duck Restaurant is the best in the world of roast duck.

But for Yehong, the roast duck's reputation in this restaurant seems to be far greater than the taste.

After only a few bites, he put down the chopsticks because it was too greasy.

However, Gu Xinlan and some of them ate with relish.

Zhao Xuanying seems to really have the intention to chase Zhou Qianqian, has always been attentive beside her, and even wrapped roast duck rolls for her by herself.

And there was a person on the table who did not move the chopsticks.

Fang Yingrong's face kept changing, full of tangle.

After a long time, she finally took a deep breath and left the seat to come to Ye Hong, directly bowing deeply: "Ye Yun Xuedi, I'm sorry!"

The others on the table also stopped chopsticks and looked over.

Ye Hong laughed: "I still blame me for taking your classmates?"

Ye Hong's joking words made Fang Yingrong make a big blush directly.

But at the same time, her heart was relieved.

Ye Hong was also willing to make a joke with her, that is to say that she did not plan to ignore her previous rudeness.

Therefore, Fang Yingrong smiled bitterly: "Sister Xue really knows that she is wrong.

As for my classmate...I think if she knows your strength, she will rush to you and pull your trouser legs, begging to worship you as a teacher! "

Ye Hong choked in an instant.

Everyone laughed kindly on the table.

This delegation worked together and finally became a real team today. There is no longer any gap between them.

While everyone was tasting the roast duck, Ye Hong suddenly found a harsh roar from the next table.

"Dancer, what kind of roasts are you good at?"

Listening to this lame Yan national language, 100% are not Yan nationals.

Yehong looked sideways and found that he was indeed a man in his early thirties with short blond curly hair.

The crooked eagle nose, deep sunken eye sockets, and the sloppy, sloppy beard are quite similar to the characteristics of the men of the Grameen or Lanxi countries.

Next to the blond man, there was a young girl with Yan Guo's face, dyed with her iconic green hair.

Looking at the intimate sitting posture of the two, it should be a couple.

And the table pointed by the blond man was Yehong's.

The waiter who was reprimanded by the blond man still kept a smile on his face and said, "This gentleman, because they came first, of course they came first."

"How can this be?"

The blond man said incredulously: "I am a foreign guest, shouldn't foreign guests have priority?"

"Sorry, our store doesn't have this rule."

At this time, the green-haired woman beside the blond man looked at the waiter with contempt: "Open your dog's eyes, but he is a doctor of medicine at Huaqing University!

In his capacity, can't he enjoy a little privilege? "

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