Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1756: Chef Old Han

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"Ding! Taste authentic Beijing-style noodles, cooking ability +1!"

Don't forget, night food started with pasta at the earliest.

Although the main products of Ye Shi today are snacks such as glutinous rice chicken and sweet-scented osmanthus cake, many old diners have been strongly urged to re-list Supreme Beef Noodles.

In particular, Kang Debiao under Brother Li even missed the bowl of beef noodles and whispered countless times in Yehong's ear.

Seeing the bowl of fried noodles in front of him, Ye Hong had a not mature idea in mind.

"Ding! Trigger proficient cooking ability, analyze the composition of the fried noodles recipe..."

Ye Hong was silently analyzing the recipe of the noodles, and they had a little chat with Qin Hao.

After all, it was outside, and there was a little girl Sun Feifei next to them. The two of them did not talk about sensitive topics, just talk about some short things in the parents.

Through chatting, Ye Hong changed Sun Feifei a lot.

Although her appearance is a little wild, but from the point of view of talking, her temperament is not bad.

What shocked Ye Hong the most was that this little girl was still a school bully. Although she had not graduated from high school, she was admitted to Huaqing University in advance.

The genes of the old Qin family are really powerful.

After eating the fried noodles, Ye Hong was going to leave and went back to the hotel, but Qin Hao left with a smile.

"Go, take you to meet the chef of this shop, and also my good friend-Lao Han.

Oh, yes, he doesn't know my identity, don't tell me. "

Lao Han is a strong middle-aged man with a solid figure.

The honest and honest face, without a trace of impurities, looks like an ordinary chef who is honest and obsessed with cooking.

But when Ye Hong saw Lao Han, he felt a shock in his heart.

He felt a familiar breath from Lao Han.

That's the taste of ancient warriors.

Although Lao Han concealed it in the smell of fumes, he couldn't escape the glory of Ye Hong.

In respect of Qin Hao, Ye Hong did not open his ability to see through.

But there was a quiet eye in my heart.

"Hello hello, is the noodles okay?"

Old Han and Ye Hong shook hands and asked with a smile, with a mouthful of standard Beijing accent.

"What a broken question I asked? When did the customer I brought didn't like your noodle soup?"

Qin Hao laughed and gave Lao Han a punch in the shoulder.

It seems that the relationship between the two is good.

Ye Hong held Lao Han's hand and smiled deeply: "The face is good, it seems that Chef Wei's skill is quite deep!"

In the word of skill, Ye Hong slightly aggravated the syllable.

Qin Hao may not be aware of this, but Ye Hong believes that Old Han will definitely be able to hear it.

These two words, on the surface, praise Lao Han's cooking skills. In fact, Ye Hong secretly points out the identity of Lao Han's ancient warrior.

He worried that Lao Han had ulterior motives to approach Qin Hao, and Qin Hao did not know it yet, so he secretly warned Lao Han.

Lao Han didn't seem to hear Ye Hong's warning, and smiled embarrassedly: "This little brother is wrong."

But Ye Hong clearly felt that Lao Han's hand was shaking slightly.

Ye Hong let go of Lao Han's hand quietly, and said nothing.

Only after they left the kitchen and walked out of the Yanwu fried noodle shop, Ye Hong started to knock on Qin Hao's information.

"Speaking of Lao Han, it must be said since I was a kid.

It can be said that I grew up eating this bowl of noodles from Lao Han. "

Qin Hao began to recall the past.

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