Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1757: Where is the Yuwen family!

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It turned out that old Han was a retired Yanwu fighter. After leaving the army, he didn't want to sit in the office, so he opened a noodle shop by himself.

This is why the name of the shop is called Yanwu Jangjiang Noodles.

Qin Hao came to the store by chance when he was a kid and fell in love with the taste of this store.

It can be said that in the whole of Kyoto, the Jangjang Noodle from Laohan is the most popular with Qin Hao.

So he invited Ye Hong to come here.

Qin Hao only knew that Lao Han's craftsmanship was passed down from his ancestors, and he didn't know much about Lao Han's other backgrounds.

After Ye Hong listened, the doubts in his heart were not resolved.

However, Lao Han does not seem to have exposed any unfavorable actions to Qin Hao. He has never asked Qin Hao to do anything even after listening to Qin Hao's description.

In this case, Ye Hong can't say anything to make Qin Hao beware of Lao Han, so as not to affect the relationship between the two.

I can only hope that Qin Hao will find it soon.

But when Ye Hong was about to say goodbye to several people, he received a call.

Looking at the caller ID Xue Jianing, Ye Hong frowned slightly.

After Qin Hongshuang came to Beijing, Ye Hong felt relieved and sent Xue Jianing to protect her.

If there is no urgent matter, Qin Hongshuang usually calls Yehong, rarely Xue Jianing.

So Ye Hong suddenly felt a bad hunch.

Picking up the phone, Xue Jianing's voice didn't come across, but a dry, dead voice.


"Where are they?!"

Only hearing this strange voice, Ye Hong knew that Qin Hongshuang and Xue Jianing had an accident, so she asked immediately.

A coercion of murderous coercion seemed to be communicated to the opposite side through the phone screen.

"Hehehe, really talking to smart people is effortless.

Rest assured, they are all good.

If you want to see them, come to the Yuwen family alone. "

With that said, the phone has been hung up.

Listening to the busy voice from the opposite side, Ye Hong's face sank like water, and his murderous eye surged in his eyes.

"What happened?"

Qin Hao, who had not left yet, asked Ye Hong worriedly, looking at Ye Hong's ugly face.

"Where is the Yuwen family?"

Ye Hong didn't answer, but asked blankly.

"What are you going to Yuwen family? But there..."

Qin Hao's face changed, but half of the words were interrupted by Ye Hongsen's voice: "I ask you where is the Yuwen family?!"

As the thunder exploded, Sun Feifei, who was shocked to the side, was pale.

At the moment when Ye Hong was angry, the girl finally understood why her grandfather and cousin would value the boy in front of him like this.

Qin Hao had never seen Ye Hong so angry, and suddenly knew the situation was serious, and it was useless to understand how to persuade. He could only tell Yu Hong the address of the Yuwen family.

"Go drive my car!"

Yehong was no nonsense, took Qin Hao's car key, and sprinted to the Xuanwu District to the north.

Qin Hao frowned deeply when he saw the car passing by. He did not dare to neglect. He immediately called Qin Zhengyan.


In front of the Yuwen family, Yehong drove all the way and rushed here soon after.

But the car was not close to the outer wall of the Yuwen family, and was stopped by a group of people.

Look at the clothes they wear, they should all be from the Yan group.

"Night consultant, you can't enter the Yuwen family now!"

"We received the report, Yuwen Zuoye, the ancestor of the Yuwen family, has already gone out.

Now the situation is extremely dangerous, please wait for our Yan team to send someone to negotiate with the Yuwen family! "

The people in these Yan groups persuaded anxiously.

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