Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1758: Chinese Practice

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Yehong shouted politely.

Wei Qianling once promised Yehong that he would send someone to protect his relatives and friends in Kyoto.

But today Qin Hongshuang and Xue Jianing were taken away by the Yuwen family under their eyelids.

This made Ye Hong not have any good looks at the Yan group.

Ye Hong walked off the car directly, ignoring the obstruction of the Yan group, and pushed them away to take a big step towards the Yuwen family.

Those in the Yan group were anxious and kept reporting on the situation.

In front of the Yuwen family, unexpectedly, not many people, only a middle-aged man wearing a brocade stood in front of the door.

He was in his early forties, with a thin face and black eyes.

An expressionless face was lifeless.

"The contemporary owner of the Yuwen family, Yu Wenlian, welcomes Ye Xiaoyou to visit."

Yuwen Lianxi compared a gesture of invitation: "The ancestor has been waiting for a long time, please follow me into the house."

Yehong, without any nonsense, directly followed Yuwen Lianxi and entered this ancient house.


After Ye Hong entered, the door slammed shut.

The entire old house of the Yuwen family was silent, and outsiders didn't even know what was happening inside.

As soon as he entered Yuwen's house, Ye Hong smelled the unpleasant stench in the air.

Just like piles of expired food piled up together, the rancid smell is emitted.

Through a large house, Ye Hong didn't seem to find other figures in the Yuwen family.

The whole old house seems to have only the atmosphere of him and Yuwen Lianxi.

Walking all the way north to the end of the ancient house, you will see a strange stone house.

This abrupt stone house is incompatible with other wooden buildings of the Yuwen family.

The stone house was covered with vines outside, which gave the stone house a sense of desolation.

After entering the stone house, Ye Hong found that there was only one hall in the stone house.

The strangest thing in the hall is the colorful sarcophagus.

It's like coming to a weird funeral home.

On the side of two of the sarcophagi, Ye Hong saw the bound Qin Hongshuang and Xue Jianing.

The second woman was **** with rope all over her body, and her mouth was stuffed with cloth.

After seeing Ye Hong coming in, the two girls all glared and eagerly struggled, and their mouths even made a painful whine.

Ye Hongqiang forbeared his murderous intention and anxiety, and his eyes swept the hall.

Beside the two women, stood a dozen people who should be Yuwen's.

All of these people stared at Yehong with fierce eyes.

In addition, it was an old man sitting on a sarcophagus and playing with a jade snuff bottle.

The old man can be described as skinny.

The dark blue skin shone like a sitting mummy under the dim light.

At the moment when he saw this old man, Ye Hong's alarm bell was a masterpiece.

"Ding! Trigger mastery seeing ability, the target state is too high to see the detailed information."

Sure enough, this kind of feedback is undoubtedly another ancient warrior!

Ye Hong suddenly had some pain.

Fearing that the fifth Qinglan in Haiye Island would cause trouble, Yehong did not bring Wu Chi to Kyoto this time, but let him secretly monitor them.

And Sima Zhengming is needless to say, it is difficult to get to the mountains, and Xianyunyehe has long walked around, and there is no time to take Lihong.

Fifty-six shrines, and An Zaitian are still serving water to An Xiaoying in Anming County.

In other words, although there are many ancient warriors around Yehong, none of them can help him at this time.

So Yehong will face this unknown ancient martial arts powerhouse alone!

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