Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1803: Look at the small piece again I am a pig

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That is a voice that should be understood immediately by an adult male.

It is from the other side of the ocean, the teachers' souls groaned.

"I'll just wipe it, this group of guys are too lawless, right?

Even if you look in the dormitory, what a special publicity! "

Ye Hong was worried that going on to the campus headlines at the 503 meeting would affect him innocent.

By then, if the acquaintance knew about it, he would not be able to jump into the Yellow River.

Suddenly gave birth to a plan.

"Ding! Trigger mastery-level imitation ability, trigger mastery-level acting skills."

Ye Hong stood outside the door, his voice moved, and the voice of counselor Sun Bai jumped out of his throat with a subtle expression.


The dormitory was suddenly quiet.

Then there was a sound of chicken and dog jumping.

"Quickly, fast!"

"Ah! Youngest, you stepped on my foot!"

Ye Hongqiang smiled and continued to say in a low voice: "You few little cubs, you are so brave, you openly watch this kind of thing in the dormitory!"

There was silence in the dormitory, and Guo Huang's embarrassed voice sounded after a long time: "Brother Sun, we will never dare next time!"

"And next time? I can't treat you lightly this time!" Ye Hong shouted sharply, so Guo Huang shut his mouth quickly.

After a slight pause, Ye Hong said indifferently: "You now take the pen and write a note on the forehead.

The content of the note is [Look at the small film again I am a pig]. "


The dormitory was suddenly stunned.

"It's not fast to write, would you ask me to write it for you?!" Ye Hong roared again.

"Brother Sun, don't be angry. Let me write it!"

Suddenly there was a sound of turning boxes and cabinets in the dormitory, presumably looking for paper and pen.

After waiting for a while, Ye Hongcai pushed Shi Shiran open the door.

After entering the door, I really saw four faces with notes attached to it.

Ye Hong took out the mobile phone that he had prepared, and before they didn't react, it was a shot to wipe the four people.

In the blink of an eye, there are already four photos of their black history in the phone.

Until this time, the rest of the talents reacted one after another.

The whole hall of dormitory burst into a bleak roar.

"Five, what are you doing?!"

"Lao Wu, why did I fight you!"

But where are the four people Ye Hong's opponents.

Not only did he not catch up with Yehong, but he was exhausted and panted.

"Five, let's make a price!"

Xiao Cao gasped, staring at Yehong with his teeth.

The rest of the people were glaring.

They didn't expect Ye Hong to imitate Sun Bai's voice like that.

And as long as these four photos are in Yehong's hands for a day, they have to look at Yehong's face since they were in the dormitory.

But the four people looked sad and angry, but Ye Hong was proud.

"Let you not pay attention to the impact and deserve it."

Ye Hong shook his phone and said lightly: "Relax, I won't use these photos indiscriminately.

But if I let you discover that you are so unrestrained, maybe [accidentally] put it on the school forum. "

"Lao Wu, you are ruthless!"

"Let's befriend!"

The four of them turned their heads so angry that they didn’t want to take Yehong.

Ye Hong's mouth twitched, shaking the meal box in his hand: "Sincerely?

I can enjoy these Supreme Fragrant Glutinous Rice Chickens by myself. "

"You want to be beautiful!"

The four roared in unison and almost divided the poor lunch box instantly.

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