Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1804: Occupied Ding Zhao

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"True fragrance!"

Ding Zhao took a bite of glutinous rice chicken and said with a happy face: "I really want Sister Buer to taste it too."

Ye Hong froze for a moment: "Sister Buer?"

At this time, Xiao Cao, Guo Huang and Rekza were also far away from Ding Zhao with contempt.

"It started again, and the guy who was blinded by love started again!"

"You don't know the fifth, in the past few days when you went to Kyoto, our fourth was also caught by a big beauty."

A few guys made me say something sourly, and told the whole story to Yehong.

Everyone knows that Ding Zhao usually spends time in the library.

But this time, Ding Zhao walked once in the library and met an unexpectedly sophomore sister in the literature department.

This person's name is Buer, and I heard that he looks good.

After knowing Buer, Ding Zhaobian was fascinated, and she was the only one in her head.

He shows off every bit of getting along with Bud in the dormitory every day.

"Five, look quickly!"

Ding Zhao didn't miss Yehong even, picked up the phone and shook it in front of Yehong's eyes.

Ye Hong looked closely and found a thin and slender **** the screen.

With a long shawl of hair, and a quiet face.

This kind of girl is indeed the kind that is very popular with boys. No wonder Ding Zhao will fall so quickly.

"You understand why we should watch a movie now?

It was stimulated by this guy! "

Guo Huang rolled his eyes broadly: "Why do you all have objects? I am like a jade tree facing the wind, and I am still a single dog."

Xiao Cao, who is also a single dog, glared at Guo Huang fiercely, but said seriously to Ding Zhaoyu: "Fourth brother, with more experience, you should be persuaded to keep an eye on.

I heard that buddy was not very good at criticism, and had scandals with several boys.

Pay attention to yourself, don't be regarded as a cash machine. "

Ding Zhao looked displeased and said: "Jealous! Purely jealous!

Buer told me that the scandals were made by a jealous girl who was jealous of her to contaminate her reputation. "


Xiao Cao shook his head and stopped talking.

This episode did not attract much attention from Ye Hong.

He packed up and left the dormitory, preparing to go to the principal's office for an appointment.

As night fell, more students were walking around the campus.

Especially couples who came out to abuse dogs are no longer a minority.

When Ye Hong walked downstairs to a dormitory, the pace was abrupt.

He frowned and couldn't help staring at a bench outside the dormitory building.

Sitting on the bench were a man and a woman who were snuggling together. They looked affectionate and flirted.

If it is an ordinary couple, it can't attract Ye Hong's attention.

But the girl's face made Ye Hong feel familiar.

Wasn’t that the little sister named Yaer who Fang Caiding showed him?

Ye Hong turned a foot, but frowned and walked to the couple.

For Ding to think, Ye Hong must confirm whether that person is a bud.

"Excuse me..."

Because Yehong is in the middle of cultivation, he is lighter than ordinary people in his footsteps.

In addition, the couple was immersed in the world of two, but it was only when Yehong came to him that he was suddenly shocked, and Yehong was suddenly startled.

"what's up?"

The girl lowered her head and sorted out the messy clothes, but the boy shouted uncomfortably.

After all, whoever is disturbed in this situation will be the same expression.

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