Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1806: Some people you can't afford

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However, Fei Wu's fist is similar to the soft baby fist in front of Ye Hong, an ancient warrior.

Ye Hong leisurely stretched out his left hand, holding fist struck by Fei Wu, and squeezed gently.

But this is not worth mentioning to Ye Hong, but it made Fei Wu make a horrible howling.


Fei Wulian stepped back a few steps and looked at his fist in horror.

Under the swollen palm, the bones were deformed.

He hugged his palm in pain, and shouted at the side of the bud that had been frightened. "What are you doing stunned? Hurry!"

Bud suddenly recovered, shaking and picking up the phone.

Calling people?

Ye Hong shook his head, his heart was boring for a while.

Bu Ya's face of green tea has been exposed, and he should not dare to approach Ding Zhao in the future.

He also punished the inexplicable Wu Wu.

Now that the goals have been achieved, Ye Hong can't wait for them to call people here.

Anyway, no matter how many people were called across, they could not pose a threat to Ye Hong.

As Ye Hong was about to leave, he found that the dormitory building next to him had been alarmed by the movement downstairs.

Pieces of curious heads protruded from all floors.

Looking at those faces, this is still a female dormitory.

At this time, a beautiful short-haired girl wearing white frame glasses ran out of the dormitory building.

"Buer? What happened?"


Ye Hong's footsteps stopped again.

Because the comer turned out to be an old acquaintance.

The short-haired girl approached and saw Ye Hong's face, but also suddenly startled.

Then exclaimed: "Night..."

Halfway through the conversation, she suddenly covered her mouth and whispered, "Why are you here, Mr. Ye?"

"Sister Yin, long time no see."

Ye Hong smiled and greeted her.

The comer was Liu Yuanyin, who had gone to the night food to recruit Yehong into the admissions office of Jiangda University.

At the same time, he is also a sophomore in the Department of Literature of Jiang University.

She is also one of the few people in Jiang Da who knows Ye Hong's true identity.

Wei Hongshu also explained to the admissions office that they were revealed as Ye Hong's identity.

Therefore, Liu Caiyin only behaved so strangely.

After all, he knew that he had a champion in the college entrance examination in his school, but he couldn't talk to anyone, let alone how uncomfortable it was.

"Don't don't, don't do it, don't do it."

When Ye Hong shouted an acoustic sister, Liu Yuanyin was scared and waved her hands.

Knowing Ye Hong's identity, she was flattered.

She asked in confusion: "What happened here?"

Ye Hong smiled and told the story short.

Liu Yuanyin's brow furrowed slightly, and glanced at Bud in displeasure.

She and Buer are not only in the same department but also in the same class.

Bu Ye's criticism, she usually hears a little, but she doesn't care much.

But what Liu Yuanyin did not expect was that Yaer would even reach out to Yehong's roommate.

Isn't this poke horse honeycomb?

"Mr. Ye Hong, leave it to me."

Then he walked towards Bud.

At this time, Fei Wu slumped in a chair with a painful expression, and his resentful eyes locked on Ye Hong.

And Buer has just put down his phone.

Liu Yuanyin walked in front of Buer and sighed: "Buer, there are some people you can't afford.

Close your hand and save yourself a face. "

However, at the moment Buer's hatred for Yehong is not lower than Fei Wu.

Because if Ye Hong was not exposed in person, she could continue to live the exciting life of pedaling two boats.

Therefore, Buer couldn't even listen to Liu Yuanyin's advice.

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