Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1807: Less waste and waste

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"Liu Yuanyin, get out of here!"

Buer sneered, "Can't afford to provoke?

There is less money, who else can't afford it? "

"Then ask for blessings!"

Seeing Bu'er being so stubborn, Liu Yuan Yin suddenly knew that this person was not saved.

She lost her persuasion and sneered and walked aside.

At this time, those who Fei Wu let Bud call were also coming not far away.

There are a lot of boys in the dark, and there are also one or twenty people.

"Oh? Looks like you're a scumbag?"

Ye Hong smiled slightly, a pair of people who didn't put this group of people in their eyes.

"Humph! When he was dead, he was still pretending to be high!"

Fei Wu's face fiercely pointed at Yehong, and said to the group of boys who came: "Brothers, beat me this guy!"

Later, I invite everyone to have supper! "

The group of boys cheered loudly, and Zhao Yehong launched a shock with a smile.

The crowd is like a sea, and Yehong seems to be a flat boat to be swallowed at any time.

"Hey! Don't be stupid, run!"

Liu Xuanyin, who didn't know Yehong's hand extended, saw Yehong standing on the spot and had no idea of ​​running away.

The girls who were watching on the upper floor seemed to have foreseen the next second that the teenager would fall into a beating, and could not help but exclaim.

However, the development of things is beyond everyone's expectations.

Facing this group of fierce and evil boys, Ye Hong just raised his slap gently.

"Ding! Trigger the guru martial arts ability and the mastery flying ability."

In front of the dim dormitory building, it seemed to be blowing a demon wind.

Then a series of crisp slaps sounded like firecrackers.

"Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "......"

In a blink of an eye, the men's offensive suddenly stopped.

They didn't respond to what happened just now, but there was a pain in their face.

"The waste is just waste."

In the dark, Ye Hong sounded a tone without any emotion.

Looking at Ye Hong's calm, water-like face in the shadows, everyone felt the cold behind him.

"A ghost!"

I don't know who shouted it first, and immediately the panic spread to everyone.


The crowd covered their sore cheeks and fled wildly, as if chased by Li Gui behind them.

The so-called defeat is like a mountain collapse, but they have not even touched Ye Hong's clothing corner, and they have all been scared away.

Liu Yuanyin rubbed his eyes, and a pair of confused little eyes followed closely with Yehong.

Suddenly, she discovered that in addition to that school's identity, Ye Hong also concealed other terrorist abilities.

My own understanding of Yehong just stayed on the surface!

And the dormitory building above is also noisy.

No one can see exactly what happened just now.

The lights downstairs in the dormitory were dim, and Yehong shot quickly.

Therefore, looking at them from this angle, only seeing that Ye Hongdong did not move, the group of powerful boys were scared away.

This made these girls more curious about what happened downstairs.

Yehong turned and smiled at the buds and Fei Wu on the bench.

Although they were laughing, the two could feel a sudden chill shroud.

Yaer's face suddenly showed no blood, and when Ye Hongyue approached, she immediately screamed, "Don't come!

I promised to associate with Ding Zhao!

Don't come over! "

There was a cry in the panic voice.

Ye Hong was scared crying on the spot.

Ye Hong was too lazy to take care of this green tea, but just smiled and looked at Fei Wu: "Senior of the "waste", is there anyone? Call it together."

Under the dim light, the smile on Ye Hong's face was nothing less than the smile of the devil to Fei Wu!

He swallowed hard and stammered: "My father and I are vice presidents of the Fischer Group. Don't mess with you!"

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