Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1808: Acquired

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Fischer Group?

Ye Hong searched in his head and instantly confirmed which group Fei Wu was talking about.

If you guessed right, it should be an established group in Tengxiang District.

Because the F&B Group's catering supply chain services and Yehong Group's Yemao Group's business scope have a certain intersection, so that Yehong can remember this name.

"Go back and let Bifa buy Fischer."

Ye Hong thought, stroking his chin.

Fei Wu didn't know what he said, which caused the Fei Group to fall into the biggest crisis in history.

He just stared at Ye Hong with evil spirits.

Although he tried to make his threats sound more weighty, the bench under him was shaking because of his tremor.

But at this time there was another rush of footsteps nearby.

A middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses came here in a hurry.

Looking at his face, everyone present was surprised.

Fei Wu swept away the haze, his expression excited: "Secretary Zhang will save me!"

He pointed at Ye Hong severely with his still movable hand: "Secretary Zhang, this man committed aggression in the school and hurt me!

You must tell Principal Wei about this and ask him to expel this murderer! "

The person who hurriedly came, of course, Secretary Zhang beside Wei Hongshu.

Faced with Fei Wu's cry, Secretary Zhang ignored it and didn't even look at him.

Secretary Zhang just came to Yehong with an anxious expression, panting: "Finally, I finally found you!

Please follow me quickly. Principal Wei has been waiting for you for a long time! "

Inside and outside the dormitory, behind the front door, the death was silent.

Many of the onlookers rubbed their ears over and over again to make sure that they heard correctly and did not misread it.

But why is Secretary Zhang so respectful of this person?

Where is this boy really sacred? !

The girls upstairs just reacted, and they didn't know the name of the teenager.

All of a sudden, many girls didn't have time to change their clothes, so they came downstairs.

They want to see more closely what this young boy treated by Secretary Zhang looks like.

Fei Wu's excited expression also froze directly in his face.

He always felt that he accidentally kicked a super steel plate.

The toes, the heart, the heart hurts.

Faced with anxious secretary Zhang, Ye Hong shrugged and said helplessly: "Secretary Zhang, I also want to go with you, but someone here will not let me go.

Not only did someone ask me to beat me, but I threatened me with my own background. "

Hearing Ye Hong's words, Fei Wu knew that something was wrong!

As expected, Secretary Zhang's complexion fell directly, as if covered by clouds.

"Which one does not have long eyes, but dare to threaten the principal's guest?!"

Ye Hong flashed a joke in his eyes, and pointed innocently to Fei Wu: "Well, this is Master Fei of the Fei Group."

Seeing the secretary's face looked ugly, Fei Wu's expression was crying, and said with a smile: "Secretary Zhang, did I say that you misunderstood you?"

Secretary Zhang said blankly, facing Fei Wu lightly: "You are right, I must tell Principal Wei about this and ask him to expel you as a murderer!"

Fei Wu's eyes turned black, and the whole person fell over under the bench in a whirlwind.

Ye Hong shook his head and left here with Secretary Zhang to the principal's office.

Many girls who have just chased down can only look at Ye Hongyuan's back and stomping.

However, the most regrettable thing is Bud.

She never imagined that it would be such a result.

Fei Wu, who was optimistic about him, passed out like a dead pig.

Ding Zhao, who is not optimistic about him, has such a horrible roommate as Ye Hong!

"If I chose Ding Zhao just now..."

Looking at the remorseful expression on the side of the bench, Liu Yuanyin shook his head and sighed, "Oh, just listen to my advice.

Some people, you really can't afford it. "

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