Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1809: Zeng Fengshusheng

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As Secretary Zhang came to the familiar principal's office, and just entered the door, he heard an impatient voice behind the screen.

"Wei Gong, I have been waiting for half an hour, a late generation, as for you so respected?"

The voice is old, but loud and powerful.

But the key is not Wei Hongshu's voice.

That is to say, are there other guests in the principal's office?

Immediately afterwards, Wei Hongshu's apologetic voice came out.

"Zeng Gong, you rarely come to Egret City. If you miss this kind of talent, maybe you will never see it again in this life."

"What a peerless genius in the end, is there such a **** as you said?"

While the two were discussing, Secretary Zhang had taken Ye Hong to bypass the screen.

"Look, here."

Wei Hongshu clapped his hands and greeted Yehong with joy: "Our Yeda genius can be regarded as coming.

Quickly, let me introduce you to a great literary master. "

Secretary Zhang gave a salute to everyone and withdrew from the inner room.

While Ye Hong went to the futon beside Wei Hongshu, he looked at the person opposite Wei Hongshu.

It was an old man of similar age to Wei Hongshu.

A slightly dark square face, white eyebrows were raised upwards, like a pair of sharp scimitars.

Sharp eyes swept around Ye Hong's body, as if to penetrate Ye Hong's body.

His skeleton is wider, and he sits on the futon in a smooth, black robe.

Wei Hongshu, who is wearing a white robes on the opposite side, is like black and white, each with its own merits.

Unlike Wei Hongshu's refined elegance, this person's first impression of Ye Hong was like a stern teacher.

"Ye Hong, this is my best friend for more than 30 years, a writer, calligrapher, and writer from Anchang Province... [Zeng Taoyin] Zeng Gong."

A series of titles surprised Ye Hong.

Anchang Province is located next to the Central Plains Province and has been the cultural center of the Yan Kingdom since ancient times.

Since then, there have been countless celebrities in the literature world.

Zeng Taoyin this person, Ye Hong also heard about it.

It was mainly learned in Fu Huaiyong's mouth.

Fu Huaiyong likes calligraphy. Before Yehong left Anming County and went to the development of Bailu City, he also gave a pen to Yehong for four big characters.

That picture is still hung by Ye Hong in the hall of Tianhe Garden.

Almost no one recognizes the guests who usually visit the Yehong family.

But if they recognize it, they might be dazed on the spot.

And Fu Huaiyong, the most respected calligrapher in the calligraphy world at the time, is the Zeng Fengsheng, Zeng Fengshu from Anchang Province in front of him.

In the literary world, Zeng Tao concealed many literary masterpieces.

But his literary achievement and his calligraphy achievement are presumably inferior.

Zeng Tao has a strange temper and a weird habit, that is, the written characters are usually destroyed on the spot.

Therefore, there were few calligraphy works left by Zeng Taoyin at that time.

This also made his work more and more valuable.

At the same time, Zeng Taoyin was lonely and did not like to communicate with others.

I don't know how many dignitaries, wealthy giants wanted to invite Zeng Taoyin's inscription and ate a big closed door.

Gradually, Zeng Taoyin's words became hard to find.

Yehong palms the world's largest underground black market, Haishi, but has seen someone selling Zeng Taoyin's calligraphy.

However, after his appraisal, those are all fakes.

But even so, it is still marked with high prices and attracts many buyers, showing how popular Zeng Taoyin's words are.

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