Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1816: Don't be a demon

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All the onlookers were shocked, because in the calligraphy world Zeng Taoyin's probability of inscriptions for people was about equal to ten million when he went out-almost impossible.

So everyone was curious about who could make Zeng Taoyin visit Dongmen Street in person and write the inscription personally.

Under the watchfulness of countless lights, Zeng Taoyin went all the way, always came to a restaurant called Yelan Xiaomian, and stepped into the store without hesitation.

"Huh? What store is this? Why am I never impressed?"

"It seems to have just opened today."

"Go! Go and see what shop it is!"

So, all the people waited for Zeng Taoyin to enter Yelan facet.

On the other side, in the shop.

Watching a large group of people rush into the store, the squinting line and all the people were frightened to aside.

"Boss, she, she shakes people!"

Behind the squinting eyes, a man watched the big ticket tremble.

"Something seems wrong, just look at it."

Squinting a confused face.

Fifth Qinglan glanced at the old man in front of the moon, and said lightly: "Come to dinner? Bring the money? The shop does not take credit."

The waiter behind was already numb to the fifth Qinglan's bad attitude.

She finally found out that her store manager had the utmost desire to close the restaurant!

Zeng Tao Yin was stunned, and a sudden anger burst into his eyes.

Since he became famous, how dare anyone speak to him?

But when Zeng Taoyin thought of the conversation with Wei Hongshu yesterday, he forced back his anger.

He was so angry that Dan Tian exhausted the corners of his mouth with all his strength, revealing a smile that he thought was kind and kind, but to the outsider he was quite emaciated: "This girl, the old man Zeng Taoyin.

It is entrusted by someone to make a special inscription for the shop. "

Fifth Qinglan knew in a moment who Zeng Taoyin was entrusted.

Her eyes rolled round and she waved her hands impatiently: "No more questions, go!"

Those who came in with Zeng Taoyin were all stupid.

In their view, being able to be inscribed by Zeng Tao is already a great honor, and the level of luck is comparable to the pie in the sky.

But why did the girl throw the "pie" in disgust?

People look so beautiful, why is their brain abnormal?

All of a sudden, the fifth Qinglan's move caused a lot of dissatisfaction and public outrage.

Zeng Taoyin's face was stiff, and the fists in his sleeves were pinched tightly, popping out of his teeth: "If I force you to write an inscription?"

"I will not let you ask!"

The two did not allow anyone to stand still in the hall and stared at the onlookers.

They have never seen such absurd scenes in their lives.

At this moment, the shy young man who came with Zeng Taoyin spoke.

"This girl, I am Zhang Yuchen, vice chairman of the Catering Association.

Someone asked me to bring you a sentence. "

He stepped up to the fifth Qinglan and slowly said with the tone that only the two of them could hear: "[Don't be a demon, do business, check your homework]."

Fifth Qinglan seemed like a cat stepped on the tail, and the whole person almost jumped up.

She only felt a horror, and began to look around.

Somehow she always feels that she is looking at herself secretly.

But no matter how she found it, she couldn't see the annoying figure.

Seeing that Fifth Qinglan did not continue to bar, Zeng Taoyin snorted and began to write.

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Zeng Taoyin.

However, there were five people on the scene.

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