Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1817: Stop me!

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Those five people are not others, it is the five people headed by squinting.

The moment they heard Zeng Taoyin's identity, they had already discovered that something was wrong and were ready to go.

Just kidding, being able to invite a restaurant with such a big coffee inscription as Zeng Taoyin is obviously not annoying.

Fifth Qinglan's dismissive attitude towards Zeng Taoyin made them scalp numb, and the more they felt that this was a horrible crazy woman.

When they heard Zhang Yuchen's identity, they were all cold.

The soles of your feet will slip away.

The waiter of Fang Cai saw the five people sneaking out of the crowd and suddenly came to Zhang Yuchen and said something.

Zhang Yuchen frowned, and a shy face flashed on his shy face, shouting directly at the five people: "Stop me!"

The figure of five cats with waists suddenly petrified on the spot.

Zhang Yuchen frowned at five people: "The catering association coordinates the city's catering management, and all management fees are borne by the catering association.

Where does your catering management come from?

Who allowed you to collect money indiscriminately? ! "

The sound was harsher than the sound, and the five people were scolded for two battles.


The five crowded out of the crowd and ran away without looking back.

Zhang Yuchen frowned, and said to the waiter who was in front of him: "Report it."

On the other side, Zeng Taoyin's masterpiece is also coming to an end.

In the eyes of countless people, a masterpiece of calligraphy with four big words written [The Taste of the Heart] appeared in front of him.

On top of that, the three big characters of Zeng Taoyin are dazzling and dazzling.

If it is normal, you can also question the authenticity of the work.

Only then did they watch Zeng Taoyin write this word with his own eyes.

That is to say, the four big characters in front of me are indeed the true works of Zeng Feng's cursive script!

It is also the only work of Zeng Fengshusheng in the eyes of the world in these decades.

For a while, countless people seemed to see a piece of valuable jewelry lying quietly on the table.

Fifth Qinglan over there was still looking around suspiciously.

Upon seeing this, the waiter changed his claim and called his colleagues to help frame the work and hang it on the most conspicuous wall above the hall.

In order to ensure that every diner who consumes in the restaurant can see this magnificent book sage at first glance.

The moment the work was hung, the restaurant immediately burst into warm applause.

After today, Ye Lan's little face has the news of the inscription of the book sage, and he will walk away.

Those who are pilgrims, admirers, and lively... will swarm.

Obviously, this newly opened restaurant will soon become one of the most popular restaurants around the software park.

But the people present were moved.

In this case, why don't they first try this restaurant that is popular with Shu Sheng?

So after Zeng Taoyin left, the people present pushed the boat and sat down in the restaurant.

Soon, the table was filled.

Those who did not grab the position one step late could not help but thump their chests and have no regrets.

Suddenly, there was a series of monophony in the hall.

"Boss, come and bowl your signature noodles!"

"Waiter, order!"


The clumsy clerks were suddenly busy.

"Store manager, there are too many orders, the back kitchen is in a hurry, can you help?"

The waiter was too busy to ask for help.

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