Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1826: Teach him to play Happy Swordsman

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"How? Dare you compare with us?"

Xiaolan crossed her waist and looked at the five people with a look on her face.

Xiao Cao and others looked at Ye Hong together, waiting for him to make a decision.

Ye Hong withdrew his gaze to the bakery, thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

Xiao Lan clapped his hands with cheers, and his eyes rolled rapidly: "It's just boring how much the game is, let's have a little bit of chanting?"

Ye Hong's mouth twitched: "What color head, do you talk about it?"

Little blue eyes glowed for a while, as if two gold coin symbols appeared in it: "If you lose to us, buy a set of [Zero Plan] skins for each member of our team, will you?"

Ye Hong laughed dumbly, and it was for this for a long time.

With a smile in his eyes, he narrowly said: "What if you lose? Can you afford the same value as these five sets of skin?"

Xiaolan's expression stiffened and scratched his head in embarrassment.

But somehow, Ye Hong did not continue to embarrass her.

He just said lightly: "Well, if you lose, you have to let me see your team members, how?"

Xiao Lan froze for a long time.

She didn't feel that this requirement was too harsh, but that it was too easy.

Seemingly afraid of Ye Hong's repentance, she soon shouted: "That's it!

The gentleman is hard to chase after his words! "

"Then I will be the referee of this game."

Li Shenghui smiled beside him.

Soon, an unprecedented e-sports game started in the Internet cafe.

Almost all the Internet cafes came to watch.

Entering the game interface, Ye Hong found that the IDs of the five people on the opposite side were in the same format.

They are [Blue Phoenix], [Book Phoenix], [Water Phoenix], [West Phoenix] and [Night Phoenix].

Ye Hong looked at the ID of [Yue Fenghuang] and frowned deeper.

After entering the game, Ye Hong found that [Ye Fenghuang] was taking the middle lane, and chose the current version of the strong single hero [Dark Queen].

"Sheriff, let me win the bill this time."

On the internal channel, Ye Hong's cold voice suddenly sounded.

Several people in the dormitory were shocked.

In the past, Yehong always played with assistants and acted as the core point of overall coordination in the team.

Why did you suddenly want to play mid laner this time?

However, since it was Ye Hong's request, they certainly had nothing to protest.

Therefore, Guo Huang, who originally had a single C position in the main game, honestly changed the position with Yehong and went to the lower road to assist.

"I'm really curious about what hero [Final Night] will choose."

"I'm coming!"

The people who saw him killing Jian Hao behind Ye Hong all looked up excitedly for Ye Hong to choose a hero.

Yehong frowned slightly, and he almost always played [Flash Girl].

But today, Flash Girl was going away by Guo Huang, and Ye Hong could only choose.

"Forget it, just choose one."

Ye Hong swung the mouse at random, focusing heavily on a familiar hero.

"Lying grass, he chose [Happy Swordsman]?"

"What does this mean? Teach [Hand of Xingtian] to play Jianhao?"

"Quick! Quickly record!"

Everyone vaguely felt that there would be a wonderful picture coming next, and they all picked up their phones excitedly and aimed at the screen.

Ye Hong, who entered the game, changed the leisurely and gentleness of the weekdays and moved aggressively to the line.

"Sa-Sa-Sa -"

Taidao flashed a chill, and the figure of Happy Swordsman drew a gorgeous snake-shaped lightning between the soldiers.

[Night Phoenix] Suddenly discovered that Daomang came to [Dark Queen] in the blink of an eye!

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