Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1827: Let me play against him!

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[Night Phoenix] This is the first time that someone has been able to play Happy Swordsman like this.

Seeing that the Happy Swordsman is fierce, [Night Phoenix] was scared to go directly [Flash].

In the Orphan League, the summoner skill flash can make the hero move a small position quickly.

This skill is usually used to run or chase and is a more commonly used summoner skill.

However, just after the Queen of Darkness took a step back, the happy swordsman on the opposite side flashed almost simultaneously.

Do not!

This is not follow flash!

"This is a flash of prejudgment?!"

There was a cry of exclamation in the box.

Pre-judgment is an iconic technology for orphan league master players.

Through pre-judgment of position, pre-judgement of cast, pre-judged route... can be targeted in advance.

That is to say, when Ye Hong attacked halfway, he judged that the Dark Queen would flash, and accurately judged the location of the flash, so she landed in advance, waiting for the Dark Queen.


Tai Dao crossed the body of the dark queen.


As a red figure emerged from the head of the dark queen, the blood bar disappeared for a moment.

A crit!

As we all know, the heroes of the Orphan League have little chance of crit in the early stage.

How lucky is this to have crit damage at level 1? !

And just as the body of the Dark Queen is about to move under the defensive tower...



It was another crit that directly took away the remaining blood of the Dark Queen.

With a wailing cry, the Dark Queen fell to her tower.


A **** announcement resounded throughout the canyon.

The people watching around were all dumbfounded.

"What happened just now, did you see it?"

"A single kill! It is worthy of the final night, night god!"

"It's over, [Neon Phoenix] is going to blow up."

The internal channel of the dormitory is also 666.

"Five, you are so fierce, will you still play mid laner?"

"Lao Wu, why don't you talk?"

Several people found that after Ye Hong took the first kill, he was not happy at all.

A face is slightly gloomy, frowning frowns seem to be irritated.

At the same time, in the box opposite.

A girl wearing a cap and tucked her flowing hair into a light gray sweater casually tapped the keyboard angrily!

Under the light of the light, you can glimpse a white swan-like neck.

"Captain, are you okay?"

The remaining four team members asked with concern, among them was just the little blue who had written the book to Yehong.

Her ID in the game is [Blue Phoenix].

As for the girl who is in a hurry and is also the captain of the [Phoenix Rose] team, it must be the [Yi Fenghuang] who was just killed by Ye Hong.

"I'm fine!"

[Night Phoenix] Clenched his teeth and said: "Damn [The Last Night], I must revenge.

Don't come to gank later, let me and him single out! "

She squeezed her wrists, moved her muscles and bones, and said aggressively: "Final night, the old lady is coming!"

Team members: ...

After the resurrection of the Dark Queen, she came online again.

However, due to death, Ye Hong's Happy Swordsman is now at level three.

The Dark Queen had just prepared to make up a soldier, and she saw a gust of sword blowing.

The unexpectedly dark queen was blown directly into the air.

Happy Jianhao's skills, accumulating sword style through sword fencing, heroes who are hit by sword style will be blown away!

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