Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1828: Five packs one!

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The familiar Z word is elegant and serpentine lightning.

Happy Swordsman ran for thousands of miles, and at the moment the Dark Queen landed, Tai Dao cut it over again.



Familiar crit, familiar "Blood Strip Clearance".

The dark queen's face was transformed into a dead body.

There was already a lot of noise around the people.

"One hundred percent crit? The night **** is hanging?"

"No! The night **** must be the son of the head of the Penguin Group, the company that runs the Orphan Alliance!


In the box, [Night Phoenix] almost fell to the ground with headphones.

"Captain, is it really okay?"

The rest of the players shivered.

"I! Good! Yes! Very!"

[Night Phoenix] I feel that my teeth are almost broken.

"Hello! You guys, come quietly to the middle road. Let's get five packs and one. We can't kill him if we don't believe it!"

Hearing [Ye Fenghuang]'s instructions, the rest of the people couldn't help but smoke.

Who just wanted to single out?

But no matter what, they have to help [Night Phoenix].

As a mid-single player who outputs the main force, he was killed twice in a row. If he does not help her, it will affect the whole game.

At this time, Yehong on the line was still pushing the line, developing, and pushing the tower.

Unconsciously, he actually crossed the center line of the river.

Once this line is crossed, it is likely to be gank by the enemy's jungle.

The onlookers were even more surprised to find that Ye Hong hadn't even placed [Detection Guard].

The so-called [detection guard] is a tool for investigating the vision of the Orphan Alliance.

If the security guards are guarded on the map, the enemies passing by near the security guards can be exposed, so retreat arrangements can be made in advance.

But the map displayed on Yehong's computer is completely dark!

"Night God has advanced too deeply, and the little Phoenixes will never let this opportunity pass."

"Night God is a big head, if caught..."

In the orphan alliance, there is a special balance mechanism.

Once a hero grows and develops well, or obtains kills in succession, a bounty will be placed over his head.

In case of being killed, the bounty will be earned by the enemy.

At this time, Yehong’s Happy Swordsman, because of the two consecutive killings of the Dark Queen, and his own great advantage, he had the biggest bonus of ten people on his head.

However, Ye Hong didn't seem to have such a sense of crisis, and still chopped down the defensive tower.

At this time, Ye Hong suddenly heard the anxious voice of Rekza in his headphones.

"You be careful, the order on the opposite side has not appeared for a long time!"

"Huh? You say that, the duo on the opposite side also..."

However, their reminder was a little late.

A top hero [Autumn Mountain Chariot] with an ID of [Book Phoenix] above him has turned into a chariot form and rushed out of the shadow of the river.

The speed is extremely fast, like a red lightning.

The goal is directed at Yehong!

Not only that, two figures emerged from the grass on the other side.

They are the enemy duo with [Water Phoenix] and [West Phoenix], respectively.

The heroes used are [Luoxia] and [Gulu].

These three heroes have blocked the left and right retreats of Happy Swordsman respectively.

In his wild area, there is an enemy jungle hero [Qihuang] who is above [Blue Phoenix].

[Flag Emperor] blocked the back of Happy Swordsman.

The only remaining front is the dark queen who has just been resurrected.

The five people on the opposite side gathered together, and surrounded the Happy Swordsmen on all sides!

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