Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1830: She is the night phoenix

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"night God!"

I did not know who it was, and I shouted excitedly.

This voice seemed to arouse the blood in the hearts of the people around.

In a flash, the sound of a mountain tsunami resounded throughout the Shenghui Internet Cafe.

"night God!"

"night God!"

"night God!"

The neat voice even passed through the internet cafe and passed to the Zhongmen Street outside, which caused the passers-by to be confused.

[Phoenix Rose] The channel in the team is silent at the moment.

For a long, long time, there was a weak voice: "Captain, do we still have to fight?"

[Night Phoenix] Leaving the keyboard with both hands, angrily said: "It's just a fart, and then hit it just to make this guy more proud!"

The rest of the people all breathed out.

Seriously, Fang Cai Yehong's operation of running clouds and flowing water has scared several people out of the shadows.

They feel that if this game continues, they may not have the confidence to play this game again in the future.

"Let's go and see this [Final Night] Where is the sacred!"

[Night Phoenix] Raised his head, revealing a fair and flawless face of melon seeds.

However, this kind of beautiful and delicate little face was a moment of depression and suffocation.

Five people gave up the game and walked outside the box.

In the hall, Li Shenghui saw this and announced in due time: "I announced that in this game, five little brothers won Smecta!"

There was a sudden cheering from around.

Although there was no fierce team collision in this game, it allowed everyone to see what is the real extreme operation and what is the real happy swordsman!

After this game, the figure of Jianhao in their minds has been firmly occupied by the ID of [The Last Night], no one can shake it!

"Ding! Extreme operation, game ability +1!"

"Ding! Get an offline match victory, +1 eSports ability!"

Compared with the other four people with happy faces, Ye Hong took off his headphones indifferently, without any slight fluctuations in his face.

His eyes have been staring at the five figures coming out of the box.

In other words, it is staring at one of the slender figures.

"We lost, and brought everyone to see you as agreed."

Xiaolan said to Yehong with a wry smile.

"She is [Water Phoenix], she is [West Phoenix], and is the duo of our team."

Xiaolan refers to two girls about her age.

Among them, [Water Phoenix] is a round-faced girl, who looks quite flattering.

[West Phoenix] has a thin figure, and when she smiles, she has a shallow pear vortex, which is also very cute.

"She is [Book Phoenix], our order, only the user of [Autumn Mountain Chariot]."

【Book Phoenix】The body is much taller than a few people, about one meter and eight meters, it is a rare figure in the south.

She has healthy wheat-colored skin and wears brown glasses.

Several people greeted Ye Hong one after another with enthusiasm, with lingering worship in their eyes.

Although it was just abused by Ye Hong in the game, this does not affect the worship of Ye Hong by several people.

Coupled with Ye Hong's long and handsome appearance, it made the eyes of several little girls inseparable from him.

"Brother, are you also a professional player?"

"Brother, can you teach us some game skills?"

Buzzwords, like the yellow warbler Qiming, are very lively.

"As for her..."

Xiaolan pointed to a figure that kept her head down and smiled bitterly: "She was killed by you so many times [Ye Fenghuang], the captain of our team."

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