Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1831: Have you played enough

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Somehow, the rest of the people raised their heads, but this one named [Yehuangfeng] kept his head down.

Not only that, she also pressed the cap of the cap down with her hands, seeming to be afraid that everyone would see her face.

"Captain, what do you say?"

Xiao Lan saw [Ye Fenghuang] with his head down and no movement, he could not help reminding.

"Cough... I suddenly remembered that there was an urgent matter to deal with.

You guys talk, I'm going first. "

Several members of [Phoenix Rose] suddenly found that the voice of the captain [Ye Fenghuang] became very hoarse.

Listening is like intentionally pinching the sound of the throat.

They had never seen the captain look like this and couldn't help looking at each other.

And after [Yefengfeng] said this, he pressed the brim and prepared to leave quickly.

However, at this moment, Ye Hong, who had not spoken, said lightly: "Is it enough?"

Although the sound is bland as water, it seems to be transformed into an invisible shackle, which directly makes [Yehuang Fenghuang] tremble and petrify on the spot.

After a strange silence, [Night Phoenix] turned around silently and took off the cap.

A beautiful face appeared in front of everyone.

"Hi! What a coincidence, brother, are you here?"

[Night Phoenix] Suddenly smiled.

Her words, however, confused the people around.


[Night Phoenix] Who is this calling brother?

Is it possible...? !

Ye Hong didn't respond, but just looked at the familiar face opposite with a blank expression.

This one grew up together and has seen countless times.

Looking at it, a sudden flash of self-blame and sourness flashed in my heart.

It turned out that the little guy who was crying next to him grew up unconsciously.

And because of his busyness, it seems that she hasn't cared about her for some time.

Ye Hong never thought that she would meet her in such a place.

The so-called "Yehuang Fenghuang" is, without a doubt, Yehong's sister, Yezhinuo.

Even though Fang Caiyehong was only a glimpse, he recognized Yezhinuo through the box.

Although Ye Zhinuo usually likes to play games, but at this time, she should have done her homework at home. Ye Hong never thought that she would appear in places like Internet cafes.

Even tossing out a [Phoenix Rose] team.

The thing that made Ye Hong angry and heartache the most was that he didn't know about these things!

It seemed that Ye Hong felt congested, aware of the seriousness of the matter, and Ye Zhinuo did not dare to smile hippie.

She lowered her head and walked to Yehong's side, gently pulled Yehong's sleeve and grumbled: "Okay, I just don't play games in the future..."

Ye Hong glared at her angrily and took her out: "Go home first and talk!"

Until this time, the people gradually understood a little bit.

It turns out that [The Last Night] and [Night Phoenix] are actually brothers and sisters? !

Wasn't that just the showdown, the big water rushed into the Dragon King Temple and got an inexplicable oolong?

"I'm going, you are hiding too deep, old five?"

"There is such a beautiful younger sister at home, so don't introduce it to some brothers?"

After several roommates dumbfounded, they complained.

"No wonder the captain is so powerful, I didn't expect there is such a great **** at home!"

"Gosh, then can we find it convenient to ask the night **** in the future?"

For the little girls in [Phoenix Rose], this seems like great news.

However, some people are not happy.

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