Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1837: Feng Qian Qian Jin Wang

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The girls are stunned.

Ye Zhinuo had an unexpected appearance, spreading his hands: "Have you heard?"

"Really, really?"

The voices of several girls were trembling, and they looked at Yehong in disbelief.

Ye Hong's indifferent posture didn't seem to be about to pay 20 million, but it seemed as if he paid two yuan.

"What to lie to you."

Ye Hong smiled and said: "Come on, go to buy a house by credit card."

The girls were startled, then screamed and quickly followed.

They found a property consultant and told him that he was ready to buy a house.

As the property consultant prepared to take them through the formalities, an untimely voice suddenly sounded from the side.


A young woman in her early twenties walked proudly from the side.

Her face is not ugly, but she has a plastic red face and a sense of sight.

In layman's terms, it is a template face with no characteristics.

Black openwork blouse on the upper body, short leopard print leather skirt underneath, and brown leather boots.

Between walking, a pair of silver earrings fluttered in the wind.

She glanced contemptuously at several people at Yehong, pointing to the building that they had only seen, and proudly said, "This building is taken by me. You choose another building."


Ye Zhinuo couldn't bear the violent temper.

She glanced at the woman with disdain: "Don't think that you are wearing a famous brand, you think the master is waiting.

Let's look at the upper floor first, and why give it to you. "

"Yo, the little girl is a biting tooth."

The woman sneered and pointed at herself with her thumb: "I am Wang Yunxiu, the daughter of Wang Yilang, the president of Fengyi Investment Group.

Are you sure you still want to fight with me? "

"Fengyi Investment Group? What is it?"

Ye Zhinuo looked at Ye Hong with a confused look.

Ye Hong frowned slightly.

If this is Wang Yunxiu's other origins, it's okay, but it's the Fengyi Investment Group.

The Fei Group, which was previously killed by Ye Hong, was manipulated by a large consortium of wind investment.

Unconsciously, the two sides have become enemies.

In this kind of opportunity, the daughter of the boss Mr. Brown appeared in front of him.

This had to give Ye Hong a warning sign.

At the same time, those business people who heard Wang Yunxiu's identity all looked shocked.

"I didn't expect this person to be a lucky charm!"

"I heard that Mr. Brown, the handsome boss, spent nearly 100 million yuan to send her to study abroad. I really love this daughter."

"These people were really unlucky, and they ran into Wang Yunxiu."

"If they know, they should surrender this building so as not to cause revenge."

At the same time, some business people came to Wang Yunxiu with a faceless expression.

"Miss Wang, I have been admired for a long time, and I am Xiaofang of Gaulle."

"Miss Wang, has Mr. Wang been in good health recently?"

"Miss Wang..."

In an instant, Wang Yunxiu became the most popular presence in the sales department lobby.

Wang Yunxiu glanced provocatively at Ye Zhinuo, and snapped his finger at the property consultant next to several people: "Little handsome boy, come and go through the formalities."

The property consultant suddenly approached Wang Yunxiu with excitement, instead of glancing at Ye Hong.

"Hey! Are you too powerful?"

Ye Zhinuo glared angrily at the property consultant.


The property consultant smiled and said, "Little girl, if your dad is also an elegant boss, I will also be on your side.

No way, this society is so realistic. "

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