Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1838: Night brother

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Wang Yunxiu laughed even more exaggeratedly when he heard the advice of a property consultant.

But Ye Zhinuo was stomped in a rage.

"Captain, it's alright. Let's go pick other buildings."

Several girls comforted Ye Zhinuo one after another.

They knew that the origin of Wang Yunxiu was scary, and they didn't dare to have a heart for contention.

But the loss in their eyes is obvious.

After all, it took me so long to pick it up, and finally I saw a good building with great satisfaction.

This feeling of suffocation being loved by a horizontal knife is like killing half of the wild monsters in the game and being taken away by the enemy.

At this moment, the two figures walked into the sales department hall arm in arm.

Among them, the man was a little over thirty, leaving a big bald head.

A pair of extremely deep dark circles hung on the large round cake-like face, looking like a panda with a sly attitude.

The woman led by him is of ordinary appearance, but judging from the intimate posture of the two, it is quite affectionate.

As soon as the seemingly ordinary couple appeared, the scene was bursting with fierce agitation than before.

"How did Mr. Pan come?"

"Quick! Say hello to Mr. Pan. You won't be able to join the team when you're late!"

Almost in the blink of an eye, people in the entire hall almost rushed to the bald man.

Even the flattering people beside Fang Cai Wang Yunxiu ran away.

This made Wang Yunxiu uncomfortably open his mouth, and his face was somber.

But for some reason, she showed no signs of surging, and the arrogance on her face also calmed down, and she seemed to be quite afraid of this bald man.

"Wow! Who is this bald uncle? Why is it so popular?"

[Water Phoenix] Qiao Xiaoshui exclaimed.

"Unsophisticated country folks don't even know Pandapan from Dada Group!"

Wang Yunxiu looked at Qiao Xiaoshui with contempt.

"Panda? Panda? Panda? Pooh—"

Qiao Xiaoshui's sister Qiao Xiaoxi looked at the big panda eyes in Panda's face and couldn't help laughing: "The lovely name really matches his appearance."

Qiao Xiaoxi's unintentional words attracted the glare of some business people around him.

"Children, don't talk indiscriminately if you don't speak!"

"Pan is always the object you can laugh at?"

Frightened by this group of people, several girls rushed to hide behind Yehong.

But Panda suddenly pulled the woman beside him and walked towards the position where several people were.

The few people in Caicai's face suddenly gloated.

"Haha, Mr. Pan must have heard it and prepared to settle accounts with them!"

However, Panda's move almost made these people have a sudden cardiac arrest.

I saw that Panda came to Yehong and hugged him with him.

"Hey! Brother Ye, you haven't been to his house for a long time.

Rarely received your call today, your sister-in-law must follow you to see you. "

The woman who was held by Panda also complained: "If you don't come to our house for a long time, is it because you don't like the food made by your sister-in-law?"

Everyone knows that this woman is Panda's wife.

But the couple's enthusiasm for Yehong really fell through their glasses.

They have never seen which young man Panda calls a younger brother.

What a close relationship?

The only people who were just happily gloating were suddenly stiff.

Wang Yunxiu was also on the spot of petrochemical, his lips moved weakly, but he didn't know what to say.

As for Fang Cai’s property consultant, cold sweat instantly soaked the whole dress.

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