Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1853: Tell me clearly!

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The engine roared, jetting a thick car exhaust.

This exhaust was mixed with the sky and dust, and the face of Qiao Tiezhu on the ground was poured into it.

I don't know if Ye Hong was intentional or intentional.

"Yuck! Yuck!"

Qiao Tiezhu spit out a mouthful of sand and looked at Ye Jue, who was leaving in dust, his eyes full of resentment.

"You wait and see for me!

Entering Anjia Village, the Qiao family will never let you go! "


"Ding! Tricky village bully, +1 evil control ability, +1 tricky ability, current progress: 110, current level: entry level."

After leaving that small slope, the mountain road no longer went up and became much flatter.

Ann Zai looked at the roadside scenery with complex eyes from time to time, seemingly searching for the memories he once had.

It didn't take long to see the fields of wheat.

Occasionally, several adult men dressed as farmers are seen working in the fields.

Seeing that a luxurious sports car like Yejue appeared in the village, all the men stopped their work and looked at Yejue curiously.

"Let someone ask the village about it."

Ye Hong had never been to Anjia Village, and the memory of An Zaitian was too long ago. Now he needs a local guide to help them find the tomb.

Ye Hong stopped the car and waved at a middle-aged man who was closer to him.

"Brother, please do me a favor.

It's good not to ask in vain. "

By the way, he raised the red banknote in his hand.

The man's eyes lit up for a moment, throwing away the hoe, and ran towards the road barefoot.

A man near him also saw this scene and shouted anxiously: "You are a dead cow, don't forget your brother if you have a good thing!"

Then he ran along.

The two men were of similar ages, both in their early thirties and less than forty.

The perennial field life has tanned their skin.

The trousers legs lifted high were covered with mud.

The only significant difference is that the man on the left is shorter and the man on the right is fatter.

The duo looked at the banknote in Yehong's hands, and the shorter man licked his lips and shouted in the local dialect: "What does the little brother want us to do? Despite the instructions!"

Jiangnan Province is a province where dialects are mixed, and even in different villages in the same county, the language may not be available.

For example, Ye Zhinuo, who has passed through Anjia Village in the future, was stunned.

"Ding! Trigger proficient language skills, automatic translation into dialect..."

After understanding the two, Ye Hong smiled faintly: "Just ask you something.

Do you know An Xiaoying? "

"An Xiaoying?"

The two looked at each other and suddenly realized, "Is that the woman who comes back every year to sweep the grave?"

"Yes, yes, it's her."

Ye Hong hurriedly asked: "Do you know where she often sweeps the tomb?"

As soon as these words came out, the duo suddenly looked stiff.

There seemed to be a deep fear in his eyes.

"That... we don't know anything, we don't want the money."

The eyes of the two flashed, but they were planning to return to the field.


Ye Hong's eyes suddenly became cold.

From the strange attitude change of the two, Ye Hong felt that they must have deliberately concealed themselves.

The two were shocked in an instant, and they just felt like they had fallen on their feet.

They looked at Yehong horrificly, and there was a kind of horrified sight in their eyes.

Ye Hong didn't plan to lure the two with Qian Li either, and asked directly, "Clarify the matter to me, otherwise no one wants to leave!"

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