Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1854: I am the village chief

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At the same time, the fifty-sixth shrine did not know where it came from, but the long knife hanging from the waist suddenly came out of the sheath!


Han Mang flashed, and the ground under their feet was suddenly marked with a 10-cm-deep knife mark.

They immediately groaned and fell to the ground in shock.

But the two were frightened by Ye Hong and Fifty-six Shrines, but their faces were still entangled.

There seems to be a certain fear that they dare not speak.

Ye Hong's patience gradually lost, and he couldn't help but ask, "Where is your village chief?"

He intended to ask the head of Anjia Village directly.

The shorter man's eyes moved slightly, and he said: "There is no village chief in this village..."

"how is this possible!"

Ye Hong hadn't spoken yet, but there was a full of shock in the car.

An Zaitian opened the car door and walked out of the car with a cane.

Fifty-six shrines wanted to help him, but he was pushed away by him.

I saw An Zaitian staring at the man and said angrily: "What about the horse-faced monkey? Isn't he the village chief?!"

The man who had just spoken suddenly shuddered and looked at An Zaitian: "You, who are you? How do you know my father's nickname?!"

"Don't care who I am, first call the horse-faced monkey to Lao Tzu!"

Ann Zaitian looked sullen.

The man immediately lost his way: "Father he... was seriously ill five years ago and did not support it."

Ann Zaitian froze for a moment, closed his eyes slowly, and said stupefiedly: "So... who is the village chief now?"

Don't tell me that there is no village head, I don't believe it. "

The man gritted his teeth, his expression changed for a while, and his heart looked rather tormented.

Upon seeing this, Ye Hong immediately said, "If you have any hardships and hidden feelings, please speak up quickly, and I will make the decision for you."

"Ding! Trigger mastery-level comfort ability, trigger mastery-level incentive ability, automatically appease the target emotions..."

Suddenly, the man was in peace, and the fear in his heart suddenly disappeared.

He raised his head violently and shouted: "I! An Ru Niu is the head of Anjia Village!"


I don't know when they all walked out of the car.

Ye Zhinuo curiously said: "Since you are the village head, how did you support us just now?

Is it shameful to be the head of Anjia Village? "

"Alas, my little sister is still too simple."

Fifth Qinglan picked up his forehead bangs and smiled lightly: "If I guess correctly, there should be a presence in this village that makes the village head afraid.

It was this man who gave the village head the words of suffering.

Right, village chief? "

"The girl was right.

That person is..."

An Runiu smiled bitterly for a while, but was about to be stopped by the fatter man next to him.

"Lao Niu, you are crazy!

Are you afraid of offending the old demon? "

An Runiu shook his head and said sadly and indignantly, "I'm not crazy! I'm really fed up with this kind of day!"

Old copper head, you are willing to continue our village to be scourge by the old demon? "

"But, but..."

The man known as the old copper head glanced at the fifty-sixth shrine standing with a knife in his arms, and he worriedly said: "Although this group of people is very powerful, it may not be the opponent of the old witch!"

Ye Hong heard something inexplicable: "Who is the old demon?"

"It's a long story." An Ru Niu Chang sighed and said to everyone: "Let's talk while entering the village."

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