Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1855: Vampire in Anjia Village

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Ye Hong stopped Ye Jue at the edge of the field, and let the old copper head take care of it.

He took a group of people and walked with An Runiu towards the village.

Along the way, An Runiu kept sighing.

"Look at these wheat fields, they are all the precious wealth of our Anjia Village from generation to generation.

Although Anjia Village used to be very poor, the days of the rare wheat fields in these provinces are getting better day by day.

Until the arrival of the old witch! "

An Runiu said with hatred: "The old lady I said was named Qiao Xiaofang, and the village usually called her Mrs. Qiao.

Mrs. Qiao married our Anjia Village about 20 years ago.

But not long after she married, her husband was killed by her and her husband.

Worried about being retaliated, she and her husband escaped to do business outside.

One day, Mrs. Qiao suddenly returned to the village with a large sum of money.

She built a factory in the village and hired people from the village to help her work.

Gradually, everyone had to listen to Mrs. Qiao, otherwise there would be no wages to collect.

In this village, her words are more useful than my village head.

By the way, my father was alive and sick by this old lady!

But I'm useless, I can't get revenge until now! "

An Runiu laughed at himself.

Everyone listened to An Runiu's elaboration and gradually understood the position of Madam Qiao in Anjia Village.

Like an emperor in the mountains.

Ye Hong remembered Tie Han Han who had just met outside the village and suddenly asked, "Do you know Qiao Tie Zhu?"

"He, Mrs. Qiao's grandson and one of her minions.

That is an extremely greedy little beast!

Many people in our village have been victimized by this little beast! "

An Ru was grumpy with teeth.

Ye Hong said no wonder.

With Mrs. Qiao covered, it is not surprising that Qiao Tiezhu dared not collect the village fees at the village entrance.

"Humph! What a majesty!"

An Zai flashed in the eyes of Tian.

Especially when I heard that An Runiu's father, the last village chief was mad at Madam Qiao, the anger was even stronger.

An Runiu looked at An Zaitian curiously.

He always felt that An Zaitian gave him a familiar feeling, but he could not remember where he had seen it.

However, from this old man, An Runiu felt a terrifying momentum.

This made An Runiu feel more confident.

After walking for about ten minutes along the field avenue, I finally saw the shadow of the house.

In a valley, there are scattered old wooden houses.

But in the middle of the village, there are several luxury villas, which are incompatible with the surrounding wooden houses.

"Those villas were built by Mrs. Qiao who scraped people's fat!"

An Runiu pointed to the villas with a hateful expression: "She has extremely strict demands on the villagers, but she often finds reasons to deduct wages.

She has become richer and richer in recent years, but the big guy is getting poorer and poorer! "

Ye Hong sighed.

No wonder why Anjia Village can't develop.

There is such a vampire in the village, and it is strange that it can develop.

Moving all the way, the passing house gave a deadly feeling.

Except for some children who are crying, only the gray-haired old man shows up inside and outside the house.

It is rare to see the shadow of young adults.

The strangest thing is that almost no young woman is seen.

An Runiu saw the doubtful expression of everyone, shook his head and sighed, "Come with me, wait a minute to know what heinous things the old lady did in the village!"

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