Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1859: Advanced thugs have to lie

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After being shaved twice, the stick had only a short cut in the hands of the group of people opposite.

The long knife of the fifty-sixth shrine of the shrine further cut their hands.


A group of people finally reacted, throwing the stick and escaping outside the plant.

The figure flashed, and the fifty-sixth shrine stopped directly in front of them.

With a long knife, his eyes were fierce.

"Don't kill us!"

A group of people could no longer stand, thumped down and knelt down, kowtowing desperately at the fifty-sixth palace.

An Runiu was dumbfounded.

He knew that the fifty-sixth shrine was very powerful, but he did not expect to be so strong.

This is a martial arts master who has only appeared on TV!

The timidity in An Runiu's heart has disappeared, and they are full of confidence in Yehong.

He immediately stood up and scorned the group of people on the ground with a sip: "Let you be arrogant and deserve it!"

Fifty-six shrines looked indifferently at the group of people on the ground, and the long knife in his hand made a virtual point in the direction of Yehong.

The crowd immediately reacted, which meant to let them pray for mercy at night!

They were shocked in their hearts first. Could it be that such a master is obedient to Yuhong?

But their physical response was not slow, and they immediately turned around and rushed towards Yehong for mercy.

Qiao Tiezhu, especially, wanted to knock his head into the soil.

"I, I swear I will not charge you for entering the village, please, please forgive me!"

Qiao Tiezhu thumped his head.

When he thought of the knife in the hand of the fifty-sixth palace behind him, there was a chill on his neck.

Ye Hong walked to Qiao Tiezhu without expression, and said lightly: "Take us to see Mrs. Qiao."

Qiao Tiezhu suddenly startled.

"Why? Not willing?"

Ye Hong's eyes narrowed suddenly.

The fifty-sixth shrine also silently revealed a blade.

"Take belt! I bring!"

Qiao Tiezhu was frightened for a while and promised.

Under the leadership of this group of people, everyone returned to the villa group that was just bypassed.

Before they were completely close, several figures came out of the villa.

They are burly, all wearing black vests.

Sharp eyes, like a wolf.

"They are Mrs. Qiao's senior beaters. They are all professionals hired by Mrs. Qiao from the bodyguard company. Be careful."

An Runiu warned worriedly.

At the same time, those people also found something strange, and immediately shouted: "Who are you guys?!"

Qiao Tiezhu, who was under duress, flashed hope in his eyes, and desperately gave these strong men a look.

"Fool, go call someone!"

However, the strong men seemed to fail to hear Qiao Tiezhu's voice, and they came towards Yehong with a cold face, and several people approached.

Ye Hong shook his head slightly and stepped forward slightly on his feet.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

Three seconds later, the group of people were all lying on the ground with bruises and swollen faces, and only had the strength to keep crying.

Qiao Tiezhu and others saw his face twitching for a while.

The fifty-sixth shrine is terrible enough, but I did not expect Ye Hong’s skill to be lost to the fifty-sixth shrine.

Qiao Tiezhu only felt that his body was soaked in cold sweat when he thought of his provocation against Ye Hong at the village entrance.

The young people in Anjia Village also looked at this young man younger than himself with fear.

Soon, the movements here seemed to be transmitted to the villa group, and successive strong men in black vests rushed over.

Ye Hong walked in court and beat these people on the ground.

Going all the way, all the people at the feet are constantly crying.

What about senior thugs?

In front of Yehong, he is still going to lie down.

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