Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1860: Mrs. Qiao

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Qiao Tiezhu had been so scared that they could hardly stand when watching Ye Hong shoot a person under his feet like a fly.

In their view, Ye Hong is simply not a person, but a humanoid monster with no emotion!

If it were not for the fifty-six palaces holding them behind their backs, they might have fallen to the ground for a long time.

The largest villa in the villa complex has five floors.

The exaggerated exterior decoration of this villa is almost the same as that of Qiao Tiezhu. It is very luxurious and earthy, like a wild demon woman with strong makeup.

At this time, on the sofa of the villa hall, a woman with a relaxed expression was lying.

Her curly hair dyed, but she can see the original pale color from the root of the hair, revealing the true age she wants to cover up.

Although the wrinkles on his face were covered with several layers of heavy makeup, it seemed that he was just deceiving himself.

Very fat body, lying on the sofa like a ball.

A pair of headphones is almost torn off by her round head.

She seemed to be listening to music, her mouth humming melody happily, and her body shook.

The sofa beneath him made an overwhelming "wailing" sound.

This person is the Emperor Qiao, the native emperor of Anjia Village.


The gate was kicked open.

The violent sound awakened Mrs. Qiao who was listening to music.

She took off her headphones and suddenly found that several strangers had broken into the villa.

Qiao Tiezhu, his grandson, and the young people in the village all looked down in awe.

"Tie Zhu? What's going on? Who are they?"

Mrs. Qiao frowned, making an old and sharp questioning voice.

Qiao Tiezhu's lips moved, and he glanced back at the fifty-sixth palace, afraid to speak.

"Dumb? I asked you something?!"

Mrs. Qiao stood up angrily, picked up the headset and slammed into Qiao Tiezhu.


The headset flew halfway and was cut in half in the air.

The fifty-sixth shrine stood with his sword closed, staring coldly at Mrs. Qiao.

Mrs. Qiao stiffened and stopped suddenly.

"Bodyguard! What about bodyguards? Where are you going to die!"

She shoved her voice sharply and cried sharply.

"Stop calling, your bodyguards are'off get off work'."

An impatient voice reached Mrs. Joe's ears.

When the voice fell, Ye Hong smashed the last strong man in a black vest against the wall of the hall.

The man's head was crooked and he was smashed.

Looking through the door, Mrs. Qiao found out that someone lying on the ground outside the villa!

She looked at Yehong with horrified eyes and shouted: "How much do you want, I will give it immediately!"

It seems that she regarded Ye Hong and them as robbers.

"We don't want money, we just want you to understand one thing."

Ann Zai looked at Mrs. Qiao coldly.

At the same time, the fifty-six figure of the shrine flashed quickly and came to Ms. Qiao like lightning.

With his big hand extended, he lifted up two or three hundred catties of Mrs. Qiao.

Mrs. Qiao struggled suddenly.

But no matter how she struggled, she could not get rid of the iron hand of a shadow warrior.

Ann Zaitian leaned on her cane and slowly came to Mrs. Qiao.


A slap, pumped **** Mrs. Joe's face.

Mrs. Qiao's struggling body stiffened and shouted incredulously: "You dare to hit me with an old thing?"


Another slap, with a force greater than that, directly pulled Mrs. Qiao's face blue and swollen.

Mrs. Qiao showed a fearful look, but she dared not speak again.

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