Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1873: Please

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An Zai in the car sighed silently, but did not let go of the hand covering Ye Zhinuo's eyes.

The outside of the car was too dangerous and bloody, An Zaitian could not bear to let this scene pollute Ye Zhinuo's mind.

By the mountain road.

No sound came out from beneath the cliff, and the fifty-sixth shrine retracted the long knife and spit saliva on the ground disdainfully.

"Bah! Let you say those two words!"

With a long knife, he stared coldly at another battle group that had yet to win.

In that battlefield, the moment Jiu Tong saw Fifth Qingtong fell into the cliff, his movements in his hands were also uncontrollable.

Master tricks, most distracted.

Fifth Qingtong's action was declared unsuccessful, so instead of distracting Ye Hong, he let his partner who came with him tortured his mind.

Yehong will not miss this good opportunity.

His figure flashed, and he had come to the front of the torture.

Ye Wu Dao Yi urged, all gathered in one palm!

"Dark! Night! Flow! Star! Palm!"

Ye Hong's pupils were cold and blooming, screaming loudly.

Dark Night Meteor Palm is a trick in Yewu Zhendian created by Yehong.

If a night meteor palm exhibited by a member of the night blade of the ancient martial arts is equivalent to a force of one hundred catties, the force of the ancient air martial arts is equivalent to a force of five hundred catties.

As for Ye Hong, the founder of the move, how many pounds did you use the palm that Ye Wu Dao Yi urged?

In fact, this palm can no longer be calculated with pure numerical values.

This palm can collapse!

This palm can be cracked!

In the pupils who squeezed the torture, this extremely violent palm was stamped on his chest!


With a scream, the penetrating chest was instantly hit with a depression.

He couldn't help but step back a few steps, spitting blood as he stepped back.

If it weren't for a mountain wall to be against his back, the torture might not even stand.

But even so, he was languishing, and there was no more fierce and tigerlike gesture.

The darkened pupil gradually returned to normal, and the swollen body slowly returned to its original rickety appearance.

The ancient double-sword tactics of torture seemed to suddenly disappear from him.

Ye Hong looked at the torture with some surprise.

Although this trick of the dark night meteor is very powerful, Ye Hongyuan doesn't think that this trick can do this guy.

"There is no war in his eyes."

Fifty-six shrine walked to Yehong, frowning at the torture leaning against the mountain wall.


It seems that in response to the fifty-sixth of the shrine, all the two swords that were inseparable from the punishment fell from his hands and were inserted into the mountain road.

He still had blood stains on the corners of his mouth, but silently looked at Ye Hong, and said in a very difficult tone: "Take me, see you, Clan Guard, future generations!"

Ye Hong suddenly froze.

The descendants of the clan guards in the jaws of punishment should be weeping the ten children.

But why should he meet them?

While Ye Hong was thinking about the motives of the torture, Fifth Qinglan ran out of the car and shouted anxiously: "Don't promise him!

He must have wanted to harm that group of children! "

The torture did not go to see the fifth Qinglan, but the expression became more anxious.

I saw his body leave from the mountain wall, puffed up and knelt in front of Yehong, begging hard: "Please, take me to see them!"

Fifth Qinglan was stunned, and at a loss.

A lander made such a dignified move, not to surrender, just to meet a few children.

This shocked Fifth Qinglan and suddenly lost his voice.

Ye Hong squinted slightly, silently looked at the torture for a while, and said lightly: "I promise you."

The torture looked up immediately in surprise.

This is the first time Ye Hong has discovered that this person also has the emotion of [Hi].

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