Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1874: Macho tears

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Fifth Qinglan seemed to want to say something but was interrupted by Ye Hong's hand.

In fact, Ye Hong vaguely felt that the torture seemed to have reservations in the process of fighting with the torture and did not hurt him.

Ye Hong speculated that this part of the reservation may be related to the descendants of the Clan Guard.

In order to understand his doubts, Ye Hong decided to agree to the request for punishment.

At the same time, he also hopes to know more about the fifth family from the head of a clan health teacher.

However, he should not be allowed to go like this.

Ye Hong looked at the torture and said lightly: "Of course it can be taken with you, but you have to put some restrictions on you."

He took a small pill box from his pocket.

In the box lies a small blue pill.

Looking at the familiar small pill, Fifth Qinglan couldn't help but exclaimed: "Fan Qi Dan? Why do you still have?"

She stared at the pill angrily, her eyes full of complexity.

It is precisely because of this small Qi Qi Dan that changed the life trajectory of the fifth Qinglan.

If it were not forbidden by Dan Qi, she would not be trapped on Haiye Island, and she was suspected by the family.

But if it was not trapped on Haiye Island, Fifth Qinglan could not find the family's ruthlessness and coldness.

Perhaps this Qi Dan was saved the fifth Qinglan's life.

Therefore, Fifth Qinglan didn't know whether to hate or love this little pill, but just started to stay in place with a complex face.

Ye Hong smiled slightly, without explaining.

The gas-defying dan he has is really only those obtained in the sea market.

Don’t forget that Ye Hong is a super old doctor!

After analyzing the Qiqi Dan, Ye Hong recovered the Danfang and mastered the method of making the Qiqi Dan.

Although the material of Qiqidan is so rare that it cannot be mass-produced, it is still possible to produce a small batch.

Not only that, Ye Hong even fumbled for even Qi Qi Dan's antidote.

If he wishes, he can lift the blockade for Ge Dan and Fifth Qinglan at any time.

However, he did not tell the two the news.

I saw that Ye Hong handed the forbidden Qi Dan to Jiu Tong and said lightly, "I ate it."

There was a flash of light in the punishment eye, and he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes to swallow the fasting Dan.

Not long after eating, he found that various parts of the body had atrophy.

Nine tortured his face in horror and looked at his hands in confusion.

He always felt that he had no strength to carry the knife now.

After confirming that there was no threat to the torture, Ye Hong finally put him in the car with confidence and took him to Bailu.


When I returned to Egret, it was around nine o'clock in the evening.

Yehong asked Ann to stay in Tianhe and Fifty-six in his temple for a few days, without rushing back to Anming County.

It was the duo and Ye Zhinuo who returned to Tianhe Garden to rest.

Ye Hong took Fifth Qinglan and Jiu to the Haiye Island.

Now outsiders simply cannot go to Haiye Island at will.

There is only one way for internal personnel to return to Haiye Island, that is, to inform Haiye Island to pick up a boat to pick it up.

The place to wait is next to the old base where Yeblad used to be, next to the abandoned shipyard.

It didn’t take long for members of Yeblade to come here in a boat.

Yehong and others boarded the ship and soon came to Haiye Island.

Shortly after getting off the boat, before waiting to observe the environment on the island carefully, the gaze of the torture couldn't help being attracted by a group of children practicing martial arts on the beach.

This group of children waved their fists and feet, with a slightly naive cry, exuding a rich and lively vigor.

After watching it for a while, the torture couldn't help raising his head.

Tears fell silently from the corner of his eyes.

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