Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1875: Weeping dream

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The children that the torture saw were of course weeping the descendants of their clan guards.

Ever since the fifth Qingtong invasion of Haiye Island, weeping and others became more annoyed by their weakness and could not help the island.

Since then, they have worked harder than before.

It must be said that the descendants of this group of guards may have powerful genes in their parents.

For martial arts, he has a very high talent.

Nightblade's people only give a little pointer, and they can quickly understand.

Now ten children have already mastered the ancient martial arts style in the Zhenwu Zhendian.

Among them, the most talented weeping, even touched the edge of the ancient Qiwu.

In the future, if there are ancient warriors among these people, with their own excellent physical qualities, the four characters should be taken seriously-

The future is expected.

The man didn't shed tears, but he didn't reach his heart.

Looking at the imitation of the penalties, Ye Hong became more and more curious about the man's story.

However, Ye Hong did not rush to ask questions, because he knew that the torture would tell him the truth sooner or later.

"Hey! Your uncle, how can you be a man's husband, but cry here!"

When Jiuqin bowed his head and wiped his tears, a young but confident voice sounded in front of Jiuqin.

The punishment was startled, and he looked up to see a little boy with a disgusted face.

It turned out that the children had just finished a round of training, and when they were resting, the sobbing eyes saw Ye Hong and others at the beach, and they ran over excitedly.

Nine looked at the weird look of a weeping little man and smiled.

He held out his hand, as if intending to touch the weeping head.

Fifth Qinglan subconsciously tried to intercept, but Ye Hong stopped his head.

He felt no malice from the torture.

The big hand of the punishment fell firmly on the sobbing head, and asked in a very kind tone: "Little brother, what is your name, what is your name?"

Weeping usually dislikes others seeing him as a child. His head is only allowed to be touched by a few people such as Ye Hong, Ono, Kuang Yu.

Facing the touch of the stranger who was tortured, weeping somehow and did not escape.

But he still rolled his eyes, and the small face was full of discomfort: "Uncle, don't call me my little brother.

My name is Chop Weeping, the next Archbishop of Wu Wu, Ye Ren!

Remember? "

Ye Hong laughed dumbly and laughed in his heart: This stupid boy is a real kid.

Because Yehong couldn't stay in Yeblan for a long time, Yeblad's head of ancient martial arts changed several times.

The earliest was Leng Feng, but after Leng Feng went out to inquire about the news, he gave this position to Ji Er.

However, Ji Erwu's talent is good, but the big Han Xiong teaches people to embarrass him.

Later, Ye Hong asked Xue Jianing to assist Ji Er.

But Xue Jianing, after all, is a woman, and there are many inconveniences in this regard.

Fortunately, Wu Chi's joining allowed Ji Er to take a breath.

Wuchi Bocai, director of various schools in the ancient martial arts world, is proficient in various routines.

His ideas are very compatible with the changing Yewu Zhendian.

So Ye Hong handed over the position of the head teacher to Wu Chi.

When an ancient warrior becomes the head teacher, the strength of the members of Yeblan still flutters?

Especially weeping these children, they adore the powerful martial arts.

The ultimate dream of weeping is to reach the realm of Wu Chi and become Ye Ren's next head of ancient martial arts.

"Cry...Cry...Cry and weep..."

Nine tortured the name back and forth several times and gave a thumbs up to praise: "Good name! Worthy of being..."

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