Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1876: The truth of betrayal

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The torture didn't finish that sentence, just patted and wept his head and smiled: "Go ahead and train, one day, you will surely achieve your dream!"

Weeping and touching his nose, he laughed and said: "Although your uncle is a crying ghost, people are still good!"

"Uncle, brother of the island owner, captured sister, I went back to continue training."

Weeping, waved at the three people, and turned back to the distant beach.

"Captive, captive sister?!"

Fifth Qinglan knew that weeping was talking about the fact that he was captured by Yehong to Haiye Island, and suddenly his eyes were upset: "Your boy is waiting for me!"

Ye Hong shook his head, looked at the tortured face with emotion, and said lightly: "Tell me, don't hold back."

The sea breeze and the cool night are the perfect time to express your heart.

Jiu Jin withdrew his eyes and looked at the descendants of the clan guards, stared at the sea beside him, sighed, and said quietly.

"At that time, my father, with his family guard, rebelled against my king..."

In the intermittent sound of the torture, Ye Hong finally sorted out the story behind it.

As Ono said before, the fifth family is an ancient family with a difference.

Their patriarch is called [king] among the clan.

When the fifth family had not yet joined the WTO, the king of the fifth family was Ono's grandfather.

But there was a strong side branch among the tribes at that time, and the leader was [phase].

Ono's grandfather advocated continuing to find a secluded place to live in seclusion.

Another voice, headed by [phase], advocates joining the WTO and integrating into this world.

The disagreement between [Wang] and [Xiang] caused [Xiang] to betray the king.

This means that the side branch also betrayed his family.

The strongest force in the fifth family at that time was the Clan Guard.

Coincidentally, the chief of the Clan Guardian was the father of the torture.

According to the sentence of torture, it was his father who was exploited and deceived by [phase] at that time.

[Phase] Fabricate the so-called evidence to inform the father [Wang] who wants to eradicate the power of the Clan Guard

The father who was tortured believed the lie of [Xiang] and followed his rebellion.

Suddenly, the family was caught off guard by the rebel side branch and clan guard.

Fortunately, there are also loyal generations among the clan guards, and that is the father generation of these people.

This group of loyal clan guards, who guarded their family, escaped the chase of the branch.

In this process, many clan guards stayed dead and did not know their lives.

A part of the clan guards were lucky to leave blood, and wept them.

After the mutiny ended, the father who was tortured knew that he had been cheated and blamed himself.

But the wood has become a boat, no matter how regretful he can't change the ending.

After the torture was born, his father often raised the matter with him, and he felt sorry for the family clan brothers who left with his family.

Therefore, his last wish was to retrieve the blood left behind by this group of people.

Until he was about to die, he was instructing him about it.

The torture had been secretly taught by his father since he was a child, and he knew that [Xiang]'s despicability was not so loyal to the current fifth family.

While serving as the head of the Clan Guardian, he kept abreast of the news of the descendants of the Clan Guardian.

After the fifth Qingtong Hui people, they revealed the information of the descendants of the guardians on Haiye Island.

Therefore, this time he tried to recommend himself, and applied to the family to act with Fifth Qingtong.

But his actual purpose was to confirm the situation of the descendants of the Clan Guard.

That's why he didn't pay attention when he and Ye Hong confronted each other.

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