Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1878: Tonight's second story

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The behavior before the coma made it difficult for the people present to be impressed.

In order to atone for his father's sins, he chose to betray the fifth family. Like the parents of Ono, he was ready to embark on the road of finding the offspring of the family guard.

In order to show that he did not lie, and in order to dispel Ono's mistrust, he chose to prove his determination by self-defeating martial arts.

Reminiscent of his enduring humiliation and bearing all these years and adhering to his father's persistent behavior, Ye Hong had to sigh from the bottom of his heart.

This is a really big husband!

After the torture passed out, Ye Hong called someone to take him back to the island to rest.

As for what he plans to do after he wakes up, whether he wants to stay on the island or go out to find the offspring of the clan guard, it is up to him to choose.

It is an insult to this kind of real man to guard against torture.

The act of torture obviously touched Ono quite deeply.

She was not in a mood to stay any longer and returned to the island with Mad Feather.

By the sea, only Yehong and Fifth Qinglan were left.

"Go, take you back to the city."

Ye Hong was about to call a boat back and forth in the city, but Fifth Qinglan reached out and silently pulled his sleeve.


Yehong turned his head to look down, and found that Fifth Qinglan kept his head down, his expression down.

"Want to hear my past in the fifth family?"

The fifth Qinglan voice was low.

Ye Hong was startled, and stopped.

Fifth Qinglan had never disclosed information about the fifth family before, and did not know that it was a watch out for Yehong, or had a hint of illusion about the family.

But after the torture tonight, it seems that these two points have disappeared from the fifth Qinglan.

Ye Hong could see that there were many words in Fifth Qinglan's heart who wanted to talk to someone.

He sat down on the beach and patted on the sand next to him: "Anyway, I just heard a story and it's not bad for you.

bring it on. "

The sea breeze learning, the night is slightly cool, and it really is the perfect time to express your heart.

Fifth Qinglan sat silently next to Yehong, holding his knees in both hands, staring at the sea for a while and staring out.

The sea breeze gently brushed her hair, dancing gently in front of her lost eyes.

After a long time, the fifth Qinglan slowly spoke.

"Actually, I already knew my life experience.

I am not a member of the fifth family, but a daughter of an old man named Ge lying in the hospital. "


The first sentence of the fifth Qinglan exit almost made Yehong choked with saliva.

I coughed several times in a row to make my throat more comfortable.

Ge Dan thought that Fifth Qinglan did not know his life, but he did not expect it to be wishful thinking.

Ye Yehong also tried every means to help Ge Dan hide this matter, but did not expect that he was just acting to show the blind man—in vain.

"The old man thought he could hide my life, but where did he know the wonderful induction between bloodlines?

Moreover, there is no teacher in this world who can turn back the knife for the sake of the students. Only fools can do this. "

Fifth Qinglan laughed at himself: "But I know he is for my own good, in order to let me live proudly as the fifth family.

But the ruthlessness of the Fifth Family proves that both of us are self-deceived big fools. "

She sighed and continued: "I have been very unhappy in my family since I was a child, because I have a sister named Wu Qingtong.

She oppressed me, bullied me and treated me as ruthlessly as an outsider.

I didn't understand why she could be so indifferent until I realized my outsider's life experience and understood why she rejected me like that. "

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