Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1879: Three forces and four kitchenware

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"Later, in order to prove that I was not worse than Fifth Qingtong, I tried to make myself cold, fierce, and strong...

If it wasn't for the old man who was by my side and secretly helped me, I would have been lost as a human head. "

Fifth Qinglan glanced sideways at Yehong and smiled, "Thank you too.

If it’s not that you are too shameless and caught me on Haiye Island, I might still be selling meaninglessly for the fifth family at this time. "

Ye Hong touched his nose. For a time, he could not understand whether Fifth Qinglan was praising him or damaging him.

Fifth Qinglan looked at Ye Hong's embarrassed expression and covered his mouth with a smile: "Okay, I have nothing to say about that broken thing.

Next, talk about what you want to know. "

Ye Hong was sitting right in front of him, raising his ears.

Fifth Qinglan's expression gradually became serious.

"The fifth family is the most mysterious family in the world.

Don't think that my former family member knows more about the family. "

"First of all, the base of the fifth family is constantly changing positions.

They may be in Central Plains Province today and Anchang Province tomorrow.

There is no regular change, it is determined by that person's mind. "

"Secondly, that person is now the [homeowner] and the [phase] who once led the rebellion of the side branch.

Paradoxically, although I am the adopted daughter of this person, I have never seen his true face.

Every mission, he communicated to me through the family guard. "

"In the end, I only know that the fifth family's near-term goal is the four major kitchenware!"

Ye Hong bowed his head in contemplation, silently digesting the information revealed by Fifth Qinglan.

"Okay, everything I know told you."

Fifth Qinglan stood up, patted the sand in his hand, and said with a smile: "From now on, I will have nothing to do with the fifth family.

I no longer use the fifth surname.

Of course, the old man had kept me away for so long, and I didn't want to talk to his surname.

Hmm... I will call it Yanlan in the future.

Starting today, what I want to call is what I want to dominate my destiny! "

Fifth Qinglan, no, Yanlan seemed to unlock an invisible shackle that had always enveloped himself.

The whole body jumped slightly, and looked away with joy.

Halfway through, she looked back suddenly, shouting at Ye Hong who was still frowning and contemplating: "Who, thank you!"

Even if he smiled shyly, he quickly stepped away from the beach.

"Ding! Help the beauties untie their happy knots and increase their abilities!"


The hint in the brain interrupted Ye Hong's thoughts.

"This chick, won't it be interesting to me?"

Yan Lan was originally a beauty, and the most different thing between her and Ye Hong's many beautiful faces was the pair of slender jade fingers that could almost catch the soul.

Bright and immaculate, shining like jade, it seems that the most beautiful gift to Yanlan from heaven.

Ye Hong also accidentally touched these hands, and the taste is now that I want to...

"What am I thinking about?"

Ye Hong gave himself a slap gently, his expression changed back to a serious attitude.

He replaced his hand with sand, used sand as paper, and wrote some words on the beach with his fingers.

There are [Fifth Family], [Nightmare Factory], [Kyoto Ancient Clan], and... [Four Kitchenware].

Ye Hong found that these forces showed different levels of interest in the four major kitchen utensils.

In other words, the four major kitchen utensils are the key things that Yehong uses to deal with them!

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