Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1882: End of the Flour War

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A pile of seemingly scrapped computer parts suddenly started to assemble itself.

Soon, a total of five short robots appeared in front of Li Shenghui.

Li Shenghui dressed them up to make these robots look like humans.

Li Shenghui looked at these five robots with satisfaction: "It is worthy of being the latest mechanical transformation man in the factory, which can really be fake.

When the time comes, let them dress up as ordinary people and take advantage of Ye Zhinuo's inattention..."

Li Shenghui's mouth twitched a smile of evil spirit: "Little Phoenixs, wait for me, hehe hehe!"


Guan Xiaoshu left Wang Brown's office and walked straight into the men's toilet on a certain floor of the building.

His calf trembles and his heart panics.

Just now, he almost thought that he had been exposed.

"That Jiang Xiaona, young, is not easy.

It seems that I have to guard her from now on. "

Guan Xiaoshu sat on the toilet, raised his ears, and didn't hear anyone else in the men's toilet. He carefully pulled out his phone.

After a while, the phone dialed.

"Hey, Miss Yan, I have moved your hands and feet on the wheat as you ordered... What next?"

After saying a few words, Guan Xiaoshu heard the sound of high heels outside the toilet, and was so scared to hang up the phone.

After flushing the toilet for nothing, he walked out of the men's toilet.

He glanced sneakily at the door, but found no figure, he could not help whispering, "Strange, can't you hear it wrong?"

Shaked his head and left there.

Soon after he left, a pair of fuchsia high-heeled shoes appeared on the corner of the wall.

The owner of the shoe stopped for a while and left there.


Night food.

"You mean, you let Guan Xiaoshu put medicine in the wheat, so it caused the deterioration of those flours?"

Ye Hong stared at Yan Lan in stunned eyes.

"Of course." Yan Lan smiled triumphantly, "Who made them want to block Ye Lan's noodles, this is the price!"

Ye Hong looked at Yan Lan with a smile: "Strange, didn't you wish Ye Lan's face collapsed before?"

Yan Lan's face turned slightly red, and she turned her head to prevent Ye Hong from seeing her embarrassed face: "This is not for the old man's convalescence..."

Ye Hong shook his head and frowned: "Although your trick is very useful, it's too kind, in case the spoiled flour is eaten..."

"You can rest assured, I have a sense.

The amount of medicine in the flour is very light, and I eat a lot of tummy. "

Yan Lan said triumphantly: "Hey! If I take the opportunity to launch a counterattack, I still have a lot of brilliant ideas."

Ye Hong gave her a white glance and directly rejected: "This matter will soon be settled by Wang Brown, and there is not much room for follow-up operations.

The battlefield will soon be transferred. "

However, Ye Hong was worried that Ye Lan would continue to make trouble, and he would really make a mess that could not be fixed.

A few days later, as Ye Hong expected, the matter of flour was really settled by Wang Brown.

The method of smoothing out is simple and crude-Wang Brown spent three times as much money to buy back the spoiled flour.

The merchants were gambling on the money and no longer went to the Shuangxing Building to protest.

However, because of this incident, Fengyi Group's flour offensive has been invalidated.

Soon Fengyi Group announced the restoration of the normal order of the flour market, and the blockade of Yelan Noodles naturally resolved.

But Ye Hong knew that this was not the end of the war.

Wang Brown must have more fierce back moves.

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