Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1883: Many titles, willful

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Just as Ye Hong continued to study the background of the Fengyi Group, a news from the joint prehistoric civilization research laboratory and the Archaeological Union shocked him.

It stands to reason that the research of the Prehistoric Civilization Research Laboratory and the Archaeological Alliance are two directions.

But a few days ago, these two places had a common discovery.

The mission of the Temple to the Association of Archaeology is to study the origin of the ancient martial arts of the Yan Kingdom.

Since Ye Hong took over this task, major universities have formed a research team at his command.

Just a few days ago, the research team at Lingnan University made a discovery.

Their people accidentally discovered a fossil documenting the origin of the suspected ancient martial arts in an archaeological site in Lingnan.

They detected an ancient and mysterious unknown substance on the fossil.

The Lingnan group immediately sent the information of this material to the shared group of the Archaeological Union for discussion and research.

Coincidentally, Zhuang Wei, Zhou Qian and Yue Shiyin of the Prehistoric Civilization Research Office under Ye Hong were all members of the Jiangda Archaeological Union team.

They discovered the characteristics of this unknown substance in the shared group, which was very similar to the C99 extracted from Wannianguxun and Wannianguxun in the laboratory!

Several people could not help but guess: the origin of ancient martial arts may really be related to prehistoric civilization!

But to verify this conjecture, two things must be done.

One thing is for Lingnan University to transfer that fossil to Jiang Dalai.

Another thing is to get the blood of ancient warriors and observe whether there is similar to C99.

After receiving the news from Yue Shiyin, Ye Hong did not hesitate and immediately set about making arrangements.

Lingnan University received Jiang University's request and was reluctant at first.

Why should we find the fossils you want to send to Jiang University for research?

However, after Ye Hong spoke, their attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

As the president of the Archaeological Union, Ye Hong barely showed up.

The only time to send a message in the group was for the Lingnan group to transfer the fossils to Jiang’s group.

This immediately frightened the members of the Lingnan team and quickly sent people to fly overnight to send the fossils to Jiangda.

The first thing was easily resolved under the majesty of Chairman Ye Hong.

As for the second thing, it seems simple, but it is also troublesome.

The blood of the ancient warrior, how much Yehong had in his hand, just grab a lucky one from Yeblade and just draw a tube.

In order to make the experiment more accurate, Ye Hong also selected several people's blood to come out.

But new problems appeared.

There is a set of human archaeology in the laboratory, but the research on blood and other medical aspects is slightly insufficient.

In order to solve this problem, the advantages of Ye Hong's super-class ancient doctors were revealed.

He directly mobilized the privilege of his super-class ancient physician, and transferred a large number of ancient medical experts from the ancient physician association to settle in Jiangda University.

Not only that, he was the president of the 185 Hospital and also transferred a group of modern medical experts from the hospital.

Ancient medicine is now a two-pronged approach to help people in the laboratory to study blood.

Of course, these were greeted by the principal Wei Hongshu.

In this way, the extremely difficult thing in Yue Shiyin's heart was solved in minutes by Ye Hong.

This efficiency is even faster than the Rockets, which has left several people stunned for a few moments, and the worship of Yehong has gone up several steps.

But this kind of thing, only Ye Hong can be qualified to solve it in this way.

Whoever puts him in multiple positions and mobilizes all forces is as simple as moving his own fingers.

In one sentence: many titles and willfulness.

"Ding! Mobilize multiple forces, plan strategically, command properly, command ability +1, leadership +1!"

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