Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1896: Look, golden sand sculpture!

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As the Mushroom Dwarf approached step by step, [Kaleer Spicy Dance] heart became more and more excited.

If this ambush can succeed, their team will surely break the current disadvantage and even overtake it!

Three steps...two steps...one step...


Just when [Kireer Spicy Dance] was about to kick a key kick, his pupils shrank, and there was a horrible voice: "End Calf!"

I saw four figures suddenly appear behind the mushroom dwarf!

"Advanced tactical bait routine!"

Yonezawa stood up in shock again, staring blankly at the big screen.

Beside the blind monk, five members of Phoenix Rose appeared at the same time!

This means that they have long been aware of the crouch of the blind monk.

The mushroom dwarf is nothing but the bait they sent out.

This is the so-called bait routine.

"Oops, hit the jackpot, run!"

【Kaleer Spicy Dance】Thrilled, he quickly notified his teammates to retreat.

But when his own blind monk was about to escape, he was too nervous and pressed a key on the keyboard.

On this button, there is a key active trigger equipment [gold body shield].

After triggering this piece of equipment, the hero can be turned into an invincible [golden state] in a short time.

However, the disadvantage of this state is that the hero can only stay in place and cannot move.

This piece of equipment is usually used to save lives.

However, at this time, [Creer Spicy Dance] The end of using this equipment is...

I saw that the blind monk was on the way to escape, and suddenly he stayed in place and became a golden sculpture.

Not only did he not succeed in running this time, but he fell into a very awkward state.


"Sisters, come and see the golden sand sculptures!"

The five maidens of the Phoenix Rose suddenly circled with interest around the blind monk.

[Kaleer Spicy Dance] The team members only dared to hide in the distance and looked at the captain surrounded by the enemy with grief.

"Is this the legendary [Mingjin Recruiting]?"

There was an uproar in the auditorium.

The Kele children danced with five people on the opposite side, and their hearts were full of shame and indignation.

After two seconds, the metallization state is released.

Wu Dao's long-awaited skill instantly flew to the blind monk, and directly knocked him into a soul white light.

After this defeated ambush, the already inferior Qi's will was even weaker.

The girls of Phoenix Rose also recovered their confidence.

After several waves of team battles, the advantage was completely established.

Ten minutes later, Phoenix Rose leveled Qi's base of will.

Qi's will Five people are holding their hair in pain, it is difficult to accept this failure.

In fact, their heads were dizzy until now.

I just lost my heart inexplicably and didn't understand what I was doing wrong.

Ye Hong under the stage, looked at the five girls cheering and smiling slightly.

These so-called routines are all tactical abilities derived from his game abilities.

Normally, if Ye Hong played on his own, he wouldn't need to bend around like this, and he would crush the opponent cleanly.

However, these routines have played a magical effect on the members of Phoenix Rose.

"Ding! Guide the team to victory, tactical guidance ability +1, current progress: 110, current level: entry level.

E-sports coach level +1, current progress: 110, current level: entry level. "

In the e-sports stadium, suddenly weird silence.

Most of the audience present were college students. It was also difficult to accept the failure of their home team.

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