Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1897: Don't want to live anymore!

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In a strange atmosphere, a sharp voice suddenly sounded.

"I suspect Phoenix Rose cheating!"

The voice immediately caused a commotion at the scene.

A line of sight aimed at the source of the sound—

He Ran is Qi's will coach.

The coach was pointing at the keyboard and mouse of the Phoenix Rose players, and he didn't know what to say: "The performance of their last game is obviously not as good as our will. Why is there such a big change in this game?

So I have every reason to suspect that the device plug-in is used in their peripherals! "

What is a device plug-in?

It is to add officially prohibited auxiliary parts to peripherals such as keyboard or mouse.

Because such parts are usually attached to equipment, it is called equipment plug-in.

The audience discovered how luxurious the Phoenix Rose's peripherals are.

"I wipe, Black Widow Flash Night 8.0 Smart Black Axis?!"

"There is also that, the Thunder Dragon movie limited mouse!"

These peripherals are all prepared by Ye Hong for Little Phoenix.

With Yehong's financial resources, of course, they will not be stingy to equip them with better peripherals.

Even these equipments are almost the top configuration available on the market.

It is no wonder that the audience present cast their eyes in jealousy.

"Check! Be sure to check if there is any device plug-in added to their devices!"

So, voices like this flooded every corner.

It seems that since ancient times, the Yan people have had a rather pathological feeling of hatred for the rich.

What is shown at this moment is nothing more than a microcosm of this kind of hatred for the rich.

Seeing many people support themselves, Qi's will coach is even more proud.

The referees also started to discuss whether to test.

No one consulted the members of Phoenix Rose at all.

Several little phoenixes were also dumbfounded. They were sure that they did not use the plug-in, but they did not know how to deal with this kind of scene.

But just now...

Under the audience, An Zaitian suddenly took a hard shot of the armrest of the seat: "His grandmother, dare to question my granddaughter cheating?!"

The saber-toothed whale and the silver shark on the side immediately understood the meaning of An Zaitian, and made a wink at the strong men behind them.

The saber-toothed whale stepped on the stage a few steps, and came directly to Qi's coach of will.

Compared to the strong body of the saber-toothed whale, the coach was as thin as a chicken in front of him.

"Hey, this gentleman, what's so valuable and valuable?"

The coach looked a little nervously at the bald man in front of him.

"Ge Laozi's, you actually doubt our elder lady, don't you want to live?"

The sabertooth whale lifted the coach up, staring at him like a bell.

"What a mistress? Have you made a mistake, sir?"

The coach was struggling in the air, and his face was panic.

Swordtooth whale pointed at Zhinuo and shouted in the ear of the coach: "She is our Miss!

Do you understand now? "

The coach finally understood who the saber-toothed whale was, and suddenly looked at the audience.

If the sabertooth whale is a supporter of the Phoenix Rose, wouldn't the people he brought...

Sure enough, in the eyes of the coach, the woman in the silver dress in the auditorium also looked at him with a sneer.

In her slender hand, she kept throwing an object.

Look at the shape of the object, it is clearly a short scabbard!

The coach has no doubt that there is a terrifying knife in the scabbard that is terrifying and blood-thawing!

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