Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2013: Ignorance inflates people

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Ye Hong did not care about the strange sounds around him, and put all his energy in the painting in front of him.

Except that he usually painted the structural drawings of the mechanically transformed people on Haiye Island, Ye Hong barely touched the painting.

Not to mention, it is still a complex portrait of human portraits.


This does not prevent Ye Hong from studying and painting now.

He glanced lightly at the painting by Shuta Matsuda next to him.

"Ding! Observe the portrait, composing skills +1, body painting ability +1... Current progress: 110, current level: entry level."

After reading it, he quickly wrote down the pen and dispelled what he had found.

"Ding! Live painting, +1 drawing ability!"

"Ding! Trigger the entry-level drawing ability, automatically improve the level of drawing..."

Yehong only felt a pair of invisible hands pulling his brush, and outlined the lines on the canvas.

From a little rusty at the beginning, to slowly flowing.

The people watching this scene around were also shocked, as if they found something wrong.

"Ding! Painting ability upgrade, current progress 11100, current level: mastery level!"

At this moment, Ye Hong only felt his hand suddenly rose quickly.

At the same time, a lot of knowledge related to painting also popped up in my mind.

"Oh, uh--"

The pen edge quickly crossed the canvas, and Ye Hong's hand seemed to become a phantom.

And the people around him opened their mouths more and more, and their eyes were more horrified.

"Ding! Finish painting, drawing ability +1!"

Ye Hong put away the pen with satisfaction, and said lightly: "You are all professional, let's see who wins."

At this time, the people around him had already hurried into the canvas.

Appearing in front of everyone is a picture of a girl praying that is a hundred times more elaborate than the work of Hideyoshi Matsuda!

The delicate line seems to be given life.

Even every hair strand on the girl's head seemed to radiate a gleaming light in the painting.

Pious and solid gestures, a compassionate temperament emerged from it.

At this moment everyone seems not to be looking at a picture, but to appreciate a moving picture!

"This is the holiest, most beautiful and smart girl I have ever seen!"

"No! She is the saint!"

"God bless, I never expected to see such a magical painting in my lifetime."

"I take back all my disrespectful thoughts to Mr. Ye Yun, and sincerely apologize to him!"

The angels and anime employees have a lot of discussions, not only want to observe closely, but also fear that they accidentally desecrate the picture.

But in any case, they have reached a conclusion-

Ye Hong's painting completely killed Matsuda's young girl's prayer picture!

"Ding! Painting contest wins, painting ability +1!"

"Ding! The painting is greatly appreciated, and the charm is +1!"

At this time, Zhou Hao shook his head again and sneered slightly: "You understand why I should call him a master now?"

He was pressured by Liao Kundong when he was in Zhicai. When Yehong helped him out, he painted a cartoon of "Tekken vs. Ape Monkey" for Yehong.

Ye Hong pointed out the problems in Zhou Hao's paintings in a light sentence.

Since then, Zhou Hao has known how terrible Ye Hong’s painting is.

And Zhou Hao really called Master Ye Hong.

However, Griffin even humiliated Zhou Hao by letting him show the level of disgrace.

"Ignorance inflates people."

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