Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2014: Misunderstanding a fart!

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At the moment when Yehong completed the girl's prayer figure, Griffin knew he had kicked the big steel plate.

And this is not an ordinary steel plate, it is the kind with a barb, and his stomach hurts!

"Director Griffin, is there anything else you want to say?"

Ye Hong looked at Griffin indifferently.

And the surrounding employees have also reacted one after another.

"This night cloud is so strong, and his apprentice is certainly not bad."

"Director Griffin has had similar black box operations before, but this time it seems to have turned over."

As for Nagasawa Jiliang and the security guard, his face was already pale.

Ye Hong's ability to paint has already reached the level of a first-class artist.

Ye Yehong is still so young!

Today both of them offended Ye Hong at the same time. If a talented painter like Ye Hong grows up and gains a certain right to speak, they shouldn’t want to be confused in the anime world.

Griffin tried to raise his lips several times, trying to make a smile that was uglier than crying: "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings..."

But after he finished speaking, a loud voice came from the entrance of the hall: "Misunderstanding!"

This voice attracted almost everyone's attention.

Who is it, dare to call such a director in angel anime?

I saw an old man with a short inch standing at the door.

Although the hair was pale, the entire face was full of spirit, and the blue eyes were bright and bright.

With a long-handed cane in his hands, a long black trench coat and a gray shirt, like a brave old knight with a big sword.

Looking at the old man, Zhou Hao exclaimed: "It's Mr. Lorne!"

Seeing Ye Hong’s puzzled eyes, Zhou Hao explained with excitement: “Lorne Constantana, the leading painter of the United States, has created more than ten popular comic IPs in one hand. 】'S nickname!

The most important thing is that he is the founder of angel anime and the current president! "

Here, Zhou Hao is also introducing Ye Hong to the identity of Lorne. On the other side, all the employees of Angel Anime are leaning towards Lorne.

"Have seen the president."

A neat voice, like a soldier meeting a general.

Griffin, who was scolded by Lorne, looked at Lorne nervously: "President, aren't you on a business trip, how come you came back so quickly?"

Lorne walked across the crowd with a blank expression, and came to Griffin with a cold smile: "If I don't come back, I don't know how many days it will be driven away by your idiot!"

Griffin's face was flushed, his head dared not to speak.

After watching Griffin, Lorne looked at Nagasawa Jiliang and the security guard again.

Although he didn't say a word, the two were scared to bend down and shouted: "President, we just follow the orders of Director Griffin!"

Ron looked angry, pointing to the door: "Get out! I don’t want to see you anymore!"

Hearing this sentence, the two were soft on their feet and almost did not stand up.

In terms of Lorne's status in the entire anime world, this sentence means that they are not as simple as being fired.

What makes the two desperate is that this also means that they will be blocked, despised, and rejected by the entire anime community!

This is the power of the name Lorne!

"And you!"

Lorne looked at Griffin with a cold eye: "Director Griffin, I don't think you are suitable for the position of Director of International Marketing.

Let's go to the country branch for a few years. "

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