Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2015: Open the senior executives

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Hearing Lorne's words, Griffin also showed despair.

The country is a miraculous country located in the southwest of the Yan country.

The people there got their name because they like to eat.

The most important thing is that the environment in the country is poor, the sanitary conditions are extremely poor, and there are often a variety of fluid diseases.

Griffin was transferred there, not to mention whether he would have the opportunity to return to the United States in the future. It is still questionable how long he can survive in the country.

Lorne's thunder action scared all the employees around.

Many of them just laughed at Hong Kong and Zhou Hao overnight, at this time I am afraid that Lorne will transfer them to the country.

But at the same time they were also puzzled.

In the past, Lorne didn't know Griffin's small movements, but he kept his eyes closed.

Why did Ron have such a big temper today when he switched to Ye Hong and Zhou Hao?

In his mind, Ye Hong and Zhou Hao are more important than a director of international marketing?

Not to mention how Griffin and the three of them left the scene in despair. After handling the incident, Lorne came to Yehong and Zhou Hao on crutches.

He had a pair of blue eyes and looked up and down on Ye Hong.

I don’t know why, Ye Hong felt that the color of these pupils looked like someone...

Before waiting for him to recall carefully, Loren suddenly put on a smiley face and smirked: "It's worthy... really a talent!"

With a look of appreciation, he said to Yehong: "Boy, do you want to join our angel anime?

As long as you agree, I will give you the position of Griffin's director of international marketing. "

As soon as this remark came out, all the employees around were shocked.

Who is so attractive? Opening is a director position? !

How much does Ron love Yehong?

Ye Hong frowned slightly, and also found this unconventional enthusiasm.

This is the first time he and Lorne have met. Even if Lorne is fond of his drawing ability, wouldn't he just send him a senior executive position?

Ye Hong felt that Lorne was hiding something.

So Yehong didn't agree to it, but asked Lorne to give Zhou Hao the only quota.

Lorne, who was rejected by Ye Hong, was disappointed, but still gave that quota to Zhou Hao.

For the next period of time, Zhou Hao will receive temporary training in angel anime.

However, after the training is completed, he can return to Yan Guo and participate in the production remotely at home.

The joyous Zhou Hao couldn't help but run in the hall.

The round body appeared in front of one after another female angel anime staff.

"Sister, we will be colleagues in the future, please take care!"

"Beauty, do you have a boyfriend?"

If it weren't for Zhou Hao's hand-picked painter, those female employees who were bothered by it would definitely throw Zhou Hao out of the hall.

Ye Hong glanced with a smile, and decided to say goodbye to Lorne.

Although there were some ups and downs in this incident, it still achieved its purpose, and did not allow Zhou Haobai to visit the United States.

"Yo Xiaoyou, come to the old man's house for a while. The old man wants to talk to you."

Before leaving, Lorne smiled at Yehong again.

It is worth mentioning that his sentence is in Yan Guohua. The pure Yan Guo accent makes Ye Hong wonder if he is a Yan Guo man in foreign skin.

But from Lorne's words, Ye Hong felt only good intentions and nothing else, so he did not refuse, and when he had time, he would personally visit.

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