Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2016: West Coast rabies

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The training didn't start that fast. When Ye Hong was going to take Zhou Hao back to Yantang Street first, in the town of Cado, west of the city center, there was a restlessness.

Cardo Town, the western suburb of L City.

Together with the developed industry in the town, the entire J State is known, as well as the Black Arm J State branch located in it.

The economic lifeline of the entire town is controlled by a thousand members of the Black Arms.

In the east of the town, in the hall of a red-brown double-storey wooden villa, a young bald man is sitting.

In the middle of the bald head, there is a scarlet letter symbolizing the Black Arm-W.

His mouth protrudes outward, but his nose is flat and small.

With the fierce but inexplicable dull eyes, it seems that there is a Husky face on the human body.

Under the strange appearance, it is a big man with a big waist and a round waist.

Even today, when the weather is getting colder, he is only wearing a black vest, revealing his fierce muscles.

A gray wrist strap was attached to his right wrist.

At this moment, the young man was staring at the three big men kneeling on the ground.

If Ye Hong was here at this moment, he would immediately recognize that the three great men were the three who made trouble at the drunkard's house last night.

At this moment, the three of them trembled and fell to their knees, daring to look up at the young man.

Around the hall, the big men in black vests standing in a circle all looked at the three big men with cold and contemptuous eyes.

Everyone wore a black armband on his arm.

After a while, the bald young man finally spoke coldly.

The voice was sharp and loud, full of oppression.

"Uncle Ben told you this group of idiots. Zhou Xiaoba's guy shouldn't be in trouble when he's in the store. Why didn't you listen?"

At this time, the three strong men on the ground scrambled and shouted: "Bruno boss, Zhou Xiaoba is not here, another Yan national is shot!"

"He was so fierce that he beat us all at once!"

"Yeah, my arm still hurts now!"

This bald young man is the boss of the L City branch of the Black Arms, known as Bruno [West Coast Rabble].

That's right, it was Verna who specifically reminded Bruno of Ye Hong's attention in the letter.

Seeing the three talking more and more, Bruno roared and interrupted their words: "You can't even beat a Yankee, and you have a crying face?"

"Boss, he is not an ordinary Yan Guo people, he will be a Yan Guo Kungfu!"

The three portrayed Leng Feng's bravery and vigor in the night.

"Yan Guo Kung Fu of **** is all deceiving!"

Bruno shouted at the gate: "Bring me together, I want to let Yan Tang Street know that my uncle Bruno is amazing!"

The men who had stood in the lobby ran out, and after a burst of noisy shouts, a large group of people came from the four sides of the town of Cado.

They all wore uniform black vests and armbands from the Black Arms and gathered in the square in front of the villa.

The residents of Cado town quickly rushed to hide in their homes, peeping in fear at the square.

Bruno stood in front of the villa and shouted with his arms: "Guys, some people provoke the majesty of our Black Arms, are we going to teach the **** Yan people a lesson?!

Answer me out loud! "

"of course."

"I will twist their arms down!"

"The Yan Guo people are a group of waste."

The response of hehehe ha ha from four times.

Everyone's face was covered with disdain and contempt.

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