Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2020: Conquer a Husky

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Bruno, who was beaten again, stood up again with a grin, and stubbornly rushed towards Yehong.

Ye Hong was somewhat appreciative of Bruno's bloodiness and impulsiveness, and suddenly a thought flashed in his mind.

"Ding! Trigger mastery-level beast control ability, trigger mastery-level alienation analysis ability...

The trigger ability is spawned, and the mastery level [The Beast Alienator Domestication Ability] is derived. "

"Ding! Trigger the mastery level [Nimulation of Beast Alienator], control the target alienator..."

Ye Hong's eyes suddenly flickered strangely.

Bruno, who came into contact with this ray of light, suddenly stopped his offensive steps, his eyes were blind, and he stared blankly at Ye Hong's eyes.

"There is a play!"

Ye Hong was very happy.

Ye Hong has been thinking about ways to deal with alienators and genetically modified people recently.

But he had a sudden whimsy, and suddenly thought of whether he could add his own animal control ability to the alienation analysis ability.

Yehong used the beast-controlling ability to domesticate six big mastiffs from overnight to night.

Domesticated Deqi Muqiang, who had passed the aunt's house with his ability to control animals.

He also domesticated the big carp in Yao's pond with his ability to control animals.

Yehong can be used to domesticate people. Yehong is still doing it for the first time!

Judging from the current situation, it seems that Yehong really did it!

His eyes moved, and he suddenly ordered Bruno with his hand: "Get down."

Bruno was about to lie on his hands and feet on the ground like an obedient dog.

"Crouch down."

"Roll away."

"shake hands."


No matter what orders Ye Hong issued next, Bruno faithfully performed, acting smarter than ordinary dogs.

Ye Hong touched his chin and issued another command: "Untie the alienated wristband."

Bruno was about to remove the gray wristband from his wrist.

As the wristband was removed, his beast-like appearance returned to normal.

But the same is still his loyal gesture.

Ye Hong tentatively asked, "Bruno, who am I?"

Bruno lowered his head, and replied respectfully: "You are my greatest master, and everything follows your orders."

Ye Hong was relieved.

It seems that regardless of whether the alienation is not lifted, Bruno has been domesticated by Ye Hong.

The domestication experiment was a great success!

The significance of this experiment is so great that Yehong found a great way to deal with the beast-like alienator!

Suddenly, Vina's figure flashed in his mind.

Since Vina is also a beast-like alienator, can she use this trick to tame it?

Somehow, Ye Hong suddenly flashed inexplicable pictures in his head.

He quickly wiped his nose and found that there was no blood stain on his hand, he could not help but slightly relieved.

Yehong quickly looked at Bruno in front of her and diverted her attention.

"Bruno is too talkative. You will call Ye Qi in the future."

After thinking for a long time, Ye Hong ordered to Bruno.

"Good host."

Bruno, no, Ye Qi still replied without hesitation.

As for why Bruno was named Yeqi, of course, Ye Hong remembered Yeyi and their six mastiffs.

Anyway, Huskies are also dogs. Let's just number them together.

Ye Hong found that his trip was quite fortune with the number seven.

Not only the cat named Xiaoqi was raised by the drunkard, but a loyal man also brought a seven character.

Inexplicably, Ye Hong remembered Qi Qiqi who was far away in the Yan Kingdom.

As a descendant of wine, she may have a common topic with Jiang Jiong, an alcohol addict.

However, I heard that Qi Qiqi was looking for Du Gu in the world recently, and seemed to be planning to settle his old accounts with him.

And Du Gu received the news silently, and did not know where to hide.

Just when Ye Hongshen was outside, the former Black Arms convoy was unable to receive Bruno’s order and could not help sending someone back to investigate the situation.

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