Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2021: Let them palm

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When the members of the Black Arms saw Ye Hong next to their boss, they all looked alert.

"Boss, who is he?"

Among those who returned, there were three big men who appeared in the drunkard's house last night.

They suddenly shouted: "I remember him, he is also a drunkard!"

It seems that although only Leng Feng shot yesterday, they still saw Yehong on the sidelines.

This sentence is like stabbing the horse honeycomb, and a large number of members of the Black Arms gathered suddenly around.

Ye Hong coldly glanced at them and ordered to Ye Qi: "Let the three of them talk."

Ye Qi immediately without hesitation, shouted to the three people: "Palm!"

The three of them suddenly looked dazed.

Simultaneously, there were other members of the Black Arms.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

The crowd couldn't help but feel confused for a while, not knowing why their boss had to listen to the order of the boy next to him.

"Less nonsense, let you palm your lips, because this is the master's order!"

Ye Qi didn't have respect for Ye Hong before he was under his hand. He was still the violent [West Coast Mad Dog] Bruno.

The men were suddenly scared, and the three great men gave themselves a slap in awe.

Three crisp slaps sounded suddenly at the street entrance.

Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise it would be a surprise to see this scene.

"Master, are there any other orders?"

Ye Qi continued to ask respectfully.

Yehong skinned for a moment, instead of continuing to humiliate the three great men, but took Yeqi to the Zui Wengju.

The Black Arms immediately struggled, not knowing whether to keep up.

At this time, the drunkard's Curie, everyone waited for the right to wait until the Black Armed people came to the door, and they all couldn't help but look out.

But at this moment, they saw Ye Hong who came side by side with Ye Qi.

"Huh? Isn't that the Black Arms boss Bruno?"

"How could Ye Shao be with him?"

"No! Why does Bruno look obedient to the night?"

Tuska and Jiang Yi's eyes were almost staring.

Since they grew up in L city, they certainly understand the terrible deterrent effect of the name Bruno on L city.

Bruno and his Black Arm are the nightmare of Yantang Street and the nightmare of the two of them.

But in front of him, this arrogant and overbearing boss of the Black Arms, as if a loyal dog, was wagging his tail beside Yehong.

Such a picture, they dare not even dream!

But this scene really happened before them!

But for Leng Feng, they did not feel anything awkward in this scene.

As if for Ye Hong, this situation was taken for granted.

Jiang Elephant narrowed his eyes and watched the scene silently, not knowing what was in his heart.

In a strange atmosphere, Ye Hong and Ye Qi finally entered the store.

Jiang Yi and Tuska also feared Ye Qi in their hearts, far away from him, and looked at him with a wary face.

Ye Hong smiled faintly: "Come on, the Black Arms will not come to the store to make trouble again."

Jiang Yi and Tuska looked at each other, and doubted: "Really?"

Ye Hong smiled again and ordered to Ye Qi: "Apologize to everyone."

Ye Qi nodded at night, and immediately bowed deeply to the people in the store: "In the past, the Black Arms caused you trouble, and I am deeply sorry.

When I look back, I will let my men send me an apology of 100,000 yuan as compensation for the drunkard's residence. "

Looking at Ye Qi's gesture of serious apology, Jiang Yi murmured to Tuscal: "Tusca, pinch me, I want to know if I'm dreaming!"

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