Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2023: Boy, come with me

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"Zhou Xiaoba, stop!"

Zhou Xiaoba, whose eyes were red, suddenly heard a familiar voice in his ears.

This voice calmed Zhou Xiaoba instantly.

He stopped the van and looked at the street in front of him doubtfully, but found that the black arm boss Bruno, who had been a headache for him, was now standing behind him obediently.

"This, what's going on?"

Zhou Xiaoba scratched his head, puzzled.

Ye Hong did not explain the reason with Zhou Xiaoba, only to explain the fact that Bruno had already obeyed him.

Like Jiang Yi and others, Zhou Xiaoba was as stagnant for a long time after hearing about the fate of the night.

But soon after, he looked at Ye Hong, who was younger than himself, and his eyes changed silently.

If Zhou Xiaoba's respect for Yehong was to establish Yehong's identity before, now it is Yehong's means to be thoroughly convinced!

I would like to ask who can let the mafia branch boss of a city be obedient as soon as he comes out?

Zhou Xiaoba was anxious and itchy in heart, wondering what Yehong used in the end to make Bruno behave like a dog.

But he didn't have the courage to ask.

Ye Hong now has a ghostly deterrent in Zhou Xiaoba's heart!

With the inexplicable entry of the Black Arms and the inexplicable departure from Yantang Street, the entire Yantang Street once again restored its former tranquility.

The first thing after the appearance of the neighborhood is to gather in front of the drunkard.

However, unlike last night, they are not here to blame the drunkards.

It's to express apologies and get drunk!

Of course, there are those who inquire about Ye Hong's identity.

"Jiang Yi, who is that boy?"

"What's wrong with Bruno, listen to him like that?"

The crowded neighborhood neighbors drowned the drunkard's gate.

Jiang Yi and Tasca had only two mouths, and they were too late to answer the questions that flooded people, and they were sweating.

"Everyone, I have a suggestion.

In order to show our previous misunderstanding about Zui Wengju, I suggest everyone to spend a meal in the store!

how about it? "

The proposal of this neighborhood immediately received a warm response.

Regardless of whether Jiang Yi and Tuska agreed, only a moment later, the neighborhood at the door flooded into the store, almost squeezing the two people to the ground.

Jiang Yi wiped the sweat on his face and smiled bitterly at the Jiang Jiang elephant on the side: "Master, won't you drive them away now?"

Jiang Elephant looked blankly at the situation in the shop, and then looked at Yehong outside the door.

Suddenly, he beckoned to Yehong: "Boy, come with me."

Speaking, he raised his foot and walked to the second floor.

Ye Hong froze slightly, his eyes flashed, but he immediately followed.

From Jiang Xiang’s eyes, Ye Hong felt that he had something important to say to himself.

Zui Wengju has a total of three floors, and on the second floor are the rooms of Jiang Elephant, Jiang Yi and Tusca.

Jiang Jiang naturally took Ye Hong into his room.

Ye Hong was also the first time to go to Jiang Elephant’s room and found that the old man could still live.

In the small room, there are various artworks of Yan Guo.

Like a jasper wine glass with a faint fluorescence, a delicate three-color hip flask...

Ye Hong took a closer look, only to find that most of the furnishings in the room were related to wine.

Jiang Xiangguo is really a full-fledged wine culture lover.

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