Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2024: Dionysus

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After Jiang Jiang entered the room, he went straight to the bed.

He reached out and pulled out an exquisite little wine jar.

Jiang Xiang opened the wine jar and sniffed it comfortably and comfortably.

Ye Hong also flicked the tip of her nose, and only felt a burst of mixed flavors enter her body.

Blooming like a bamboo orchid, it is like a hibiscus bath.

Yehong was the first to smell such a characteristic wine.

Holding the wine jar for a while, Jiang Elephant just reluctantly let go.

Then he took the wine spoon and glass from the side and carefully scooped a small spoon into the glass from the jar.

It can be seen that the wine is clear and crystal-clear, with a faint glow in the slightly dimly lit room.

"Good wine!"

Ye Hong exclaimed without hesitation: "It looks good, smells good, but it doesn't taste good."

"Less to be clever in front of Lao Tzu!"

Jiang Elephant glared at Ye Hong and smiled.

Ye Hong, who was pierced with careful thoughts, was not embarrassed, but just smiled.

"Come, **** exclusive wine."

Jiang Elephant placed the glass in front of Yehong with a blank expression.

Yehong wasn't polite, picked up the glass and glanced at it, then took a sip.

After the entrance, it was smooth and smooth.

Just like the viscous slurry, glide gently across the throat.

Another example is the breeze, which makes people unconsciously immersed in it.

After waiting for a while, warmth came from the stomach.

This warmth quickly spread to the limbs, making the whole body seem to be soaked in the warm sun.

All comfort.

However, this is not over yet!

Ye Hong suddenly found that after drinking this sip, the breath in his body was running more smoothly!

This is amazing!

For an ancient warrior, or other masters who use breath, the speed of breath in the body is very important.

This represents faster moves, faster breath recovery, and longer-lasting combat capabilities...

In short, the operating speed of breath can be regarded as the most important.

However, the wine in front of you can affect this speed.

This had to shock Ye Hong.

If we can make this kind of wine in large quantities, wouldn't it be possible to create an endless army of ancient martial arts?

This is simply wine!

Is this really a wine that a street chef can brew?

Jiang Jiang, what the **** is it!

Ye Hong opened his eyes in an instant, staring closely at Jiang Elephant, and Shen Sheng asked, "What kind of wine is this?"

The surface is asking for wine, but it is actually asking for people.

Jiang Xiang didn't seem to hear the meaning of Ye Hong's words, but just sighed silently and sat beside the bed.

"This wine is named [Bacchus Sigh]."

Hearing Jiang Jiang’s words, Ye Hong couldn’t help but silently read the name several times in his heart.

Dionysus sighs, as the name suggests, even Dionysus can't help but sigh.

This is a unique wine in the world!

Jiang Elephant's eyes were stunned, as if he was thinking about something.

"It was precisely because of this secret formula of [Dionysus] that I encountered all kinds of forces and threats.

In order to escape these, I chose to be incognito and work as an ordinary chef in this drunkard's home. "

Hearing this, Ye Hong suddenly understood the meaning of the three words Zui Weng Ju.

Drunken, don’t you just mean Jiang Jiang?

"Of course, the tree is quiet and the wind is constant.

Someone still found it here. "

Jiang Jiang suddenly sneered: "Like that Bruno, it's just doubt.

So many times to send someone to harass in the store, not just to force me to transfer the secret recipe, is he good to take advantage of the fire?

That naive little trick, thought I couldn't really see it? "

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