Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2027: Miracle Tomato Scrambled Eggs

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After more than ten consecutive failures, Ye Hong finally made the first heart meal in life.

To commemorate, Ye Hong named the rare tomato scrambled egg in front of him as "Ye Shan No. 1".

This belongs to Yehong, infused with Yehong's thoughts, the only heart meal in the world!

As he prepared to taste, he suddenly stretched out his hands next to him.

Tuskar picked up the dish of black and scrambled tomatoes and scowled at it with a scornful look: "Less night, this is not like your level?

Was it distracted when it fired? Hey! "

Ye Hong smiled and shook his head, suddenly said to Tuska: "You try."

"Huh! I won't eat!"

Tuscar glanced contemptuously at the plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

"Let you eat, you eat!"

Yehong stared, regardless of the three, seventy-one and twenty-one, and quickly stuffed a scrambled egg into Tuska's mouth.

Tuska barely had time to chew and swallowed.

Then Tuscal suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the dish in disbelief.

"This, is this really scrambled tomato?"

Full of shock, Tuska quickly took another piece of tomato and swallowed it.

Then his eyes glowed, and he couldn't help bite after bite, until he ate the whole plate of scrambled eggs with tomato, revealing the bare bottom of the plate.

But even so, Tusca still licked his lips intently, and looked at Yehong with a longing expression: "Yue Shao, are there any more?"

Ye Hong shook his head in tears, and suddenly asked, "Do you feel any difference in your body now?"

Tuska was stunned for a moment, and suddenly reached out to touch his throat, shouting: "I wipe, why doesn't my throat hurt?!"

Because the weather became colder the other day, Tuscal accidentally caught a cold and his throat hurt.

But after eating this plate of tomato scrambled eggs, Tusca suddenly found that his throat was completely painless!

He looked at the plate in front of him with trembling hands, and looked to Yehong with a horrified face: "Is it hard to make this plate of tomato scrambled eggs?"

If this is the case, this speed of effect is far greater than any medicine!

Ye Hong smiled slightly and did not answer.

Judging from the performance of Tasca, this night meal No. 1 has achieved success.

The so-called heart meal is to achieve a specific effect according to the cook's ideas.

For example, in this dish, Yehong is infused with the effect of treating the throat.

If it is changed to medicinal diet, it must be supplemented with a large amount of medicinal materials to achieve this purpose.

However, after reaching the level of heart meal, as long as a little bit of breath is achieved, the same effect can be achieved.

Thereby eliminating the trouble of medicinal materials and complicated medicinal diet process.

In one year, it will come naturally.

This is the power of Xinshan!

With the mastery of Xinshan, Yehong will also develop more effects.


Tuska suddenly knelt down in front of Ye Hong and stared at him eagerly: "Master, do you accept the disciples?

I also want to learn how to make this amazing tomato scrambled egg! "

When Ye Hong burst into tears and laughs, he saw Tuska's fanatic eyes and muttered: "As long as I learn this dish, I can sell it to those who have a sore throat at a high price.

Then make a fortune! "

Ye Hong: ...


Ye Hong thought that Tusca was going forward and saw the mystery of Xinshan. He didn't expect that because of such a superficial and vulgar idea, he was immediately ousted from the kitchen.

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