Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2028: Strange fat old man

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Since then, Ye Hong has made several attempts, without exception, succeeded.

Of course, these finished products were finally brought to the hall.

Therefore, the diners who accidentally ate Ye Hongxin's works were all inexplicably surprised.

They didn't know that Yehong was in the back kitchen, and they thought they were still chef Jiang Xiang.

So the name of Jiang Elephant went wild, along with the name "Magic Drunken Dish".

Even many foreigners came to Zuiwengju to taste the news.

In a flash, Zui Wengju became the hottest store in Yantang Street.

Jiang Xiangxiang did not expect to teach Yehong Xinxin to teach such a result.

This made him always want to be low-key, annoyed, and wished to smoke his two big mouths.

Of course, these are all hindsight.

Ye Hong, who came out of the back kitchen, took Zhou Xiaoba to the third floor.

When Zhou Xiaoba came to Fang, he told him that he had information to share with him.

"Night consultant, you should have heard about the Nightmare Factory at the J State Research Institute?"

In the room, Zhou Xiaoba opened the door and asked.

Yehong nodded.

Mo Tianlin had told him this information.

Also located in J State, but more than 100 kilometers north of L City, there is a small town named [Tasi].

FCI obtained intelligence clues that weirdos always appeared in the town.

They fumbled, and accidentally found a genetic modification laboratory underground in the town.

It was finally determined that it was a trace left by the organization of the Nightmare Factory.

However, the Nightmare Factory seemed to have noticed it and abandoned the laboratory in advance.

When the FCI and others arrived, the people inside had already gone.

At the same time, Vina's father seems to have appeared in this laboratory.

In order to explore the truth of genetic modification, FCI sent out major agents.

Vina's father entered their eyes.

This is also the direct reason why FCI's Jackson and Istia will follow Vina's trail to Yan Guo.

At the same time, Vina also explained to Ye Hong, and now she doesn't even know where her father went.

However, Ye Hong had some doubts about the authenticity of this sentence, only because it was the unadjusted Vina who said it.

The school where Jiang Taotao happens to be is a middle school not far from Tasi Town.

So Ye Hong had reason to suspect that Jiang Taotao should have been taken away by the disappearing gang.

"Brothers of our Yan group originally planned to enter the laboratory to investigate information, but..."

While Ye Hong was still thinking, Zhou Xiaoba next to him frowned and said: "But it is now blocked by FCI, and our people can't get in.

The investigation is at an impasse, so I would like to ask your opinion. "


Ye Hong suddenly thought of Jackson and Isia.

Calculating the time, they are almost finished reporting, they should come to find themselves.

Sure enough, that night, Jackson and Vina went to the door according to the address of the drunkard that Ye Hong gave them.

At the same time, there is a strange fat old man.

This old man looks similar to Ge Dan, but the maintenance is not as good as Ge Dan.

Layers of wrinkles and folds lay on the old skin.

Long white hair that hadn't been taken care of for a long time was messed up over his shoulder.

On the nose of the red rosacea, there was a drop of liquid that did not know whether it was snot or wine.

Hold a bottle of open wine in each hand and drink while walking.

The pace of back and forth makes people wonder whether his fat body will hit the next pillar next second.

If it weren't for the respectful attitude that Jackson and Istia showed to the old man at the same time, everyone thought that there was an old tramp in the store.

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