Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2029: Arrogant Alex

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At this time, Zui Weng Li had already ended his day of business.

Of course, if the ingredients in the shop are not enough, the prevalence of the day will continue.

Everyone was talking in the hall with a trace of sleepiness.

Of course, after the three entered the door, everyone's eyes focused on him.

Looking at the fat old man, Ye Hong frowned slightly.

At first glance, Ye Hong knew that this person was an alienator.

And it seems that the strength is higher than Jackson and Istiah.

"Night, let me introduce you to our teachers."

Istia excitedly pointed at the fat old man next to him: "This Mr. Alector is a professional teacher of me and Jackson, and also our senior inspector of FCI.

He attached great importance to..., so he came over from the H capital of the country. "

Istia glanced at the irrelevant people in the hall and vaguely brought the words of the Nightmare Factory.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoba glanced coldly at this person, and whispered in Yehong's ear: "Alekto, the chief instructor of the alienator college at FCI headquarters, has taught many alienators under his hands. Brilliant.

And he never looked down on Yan Yan people, please be careful. "

Yehong nodded.

He recently patched up the internal structure of FCI.

The most basic personnel of FCI are called agents, who are mainly responsible for some daily tasks.

In the previous level, named senior detective, it is the level of Jackson and Istiah, responsible for the handling of some difficult tasks.

The senior detective is called the inspector.

The position of inspector is relatively small, mainly responsible for the management and guidance of the agents under the opponent, and rarely goes to the front of the mission.

The senior inspector not only requires the strength far exceeding that of the senior inspector, but also the qualifications far exceeding that of the inspector.

It is a senior position that symbolizes all aspects of power, strength, status, honor and so on.

Above the senior inspector is the chief executive of the FCI-the chief executive.

As Alec Duo is a senior inspector, his status is equivalent to that of Wei Qianling's two directors in the Yan group.

At the same time, as the chief instructor of the Alienator Academy, he must be extremely rich in both strength and combat experience.

It's no wonder that Ye Hongfang just noticed that this person is not bad.

Jiang Yi and Tusca, who grew up in the United States, grew nervous when they heard this big figure coming.

They are helpless and do not know how to entertain people of this level.

Alecdor noticed Zhou Xiaoba's whisper in Yehong's ear.

He burped a wine, glanced drunkenly at Zhou Xiaoba, and muttered: "The world says that the two most powerful intelligence organizations in the world are called FCI and Yan Group.

But how do I think the Yan group is a group of eggs and waste? "

The voice didn't hide the idea, and it clearly reached everyone's ears.


Zhou Xiaoba, who was a member of the Yan group, immediately swelled with endless anger and stared at Alecdor with anger.

"Don't get me wrong."

Alecdora waved his hands repeatedly, exaggerating his expression: "I'm not targeting you, I just want to say that the entire Yan group is rubbish!

Hahahaha! "

He stood in the middle of the hall with a giggling smile.

With such an arrogant look, Ye Hong saw it for the first time in his life.

He patted Zhou Xiaoba on the shoulder and motioned to Zhou Xiaoba to handle it.

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