Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2033: Young night, I'll leave it to you

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The dazzling silver awn made Jackson and Isia unable to close their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, they heard the screams of pain from Alecor.

The two quickly opened their eyes, but they were completely petrified in place.

I saw that Alecor at the moment, the whole body lay down on the ground, eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

The hair that grew after the alienation has all receded.

After the hair is gone, you can clearly see the dense wound on Alecor's body.

Ten, one hundred... countless wounds are all over the body of Alex.

Although the wounds are very shallow, this has proved one thing-

Alec, lost!

On the other hand, Ge Dan didn't even have any scars on his body. At this moment, he still had time to comb the hair on Huizhou Yinhao.

Which one is stronger is weaker at a glance.

Jackson and Istiah never expected that the battle would be won so quickly.

But in front of them is the chief instructor of the FCI Alienator Academy!

Just lose like this?

Lost to such an ordinary old man?


The two recovered, and Qi Shi shivered, and hurried forward to help Alex.

At the same time, the two of them watched Ge Dan with awe and horror, fearing that he would rush over with the brush.

How powerful that brush is, they have only fully seen in their eyes.

However, Ge Dan seems to have no idea about the two of them, and still organizes his own brushes.

Alexido, who was lifted up, looked at the wound on his body, speechless for a long time.

After a long time, he looked at Ge Dan with a complex face and asked in the crappy Yan Guo language: "Is that also the Yan Wu ancient martial art just now?"

Ge Dan glanced at him and nodded faintly.

Alecdor suddenly took a deep breath, changed the previous arrogance, and continued to use the lame Yan language, seriously asked: "Please ask your high name!"

"Different names are not worth mentioning."

Ge Dan shook his head, put away Huizhou Yinhao, and planned to leave.

"Damn! Are you humiliating me?!"

Ge Dan's desire for low-key ideas was obviously misunderstood by Alecdor.

No way, this is the cultural difference.

In their strong country, if it is a showdown, the winner refuses to tell the loser even the name, which is the biggest humiliation to the loser.

Ge Dan shook his head helplessly and walked in front of Yehong with a slight salute, said with a headache: "Young night, this guy will leave it to you."

Yehong nodded and walked to the location where Alecdor was.

But at this time, his mind was digesting Ge Dan's ink brush strokes!

Although Fang Cai Ge Dan only made a move, Ye Hong recorded the whole move in his heart and kept analyzing it.

[Cang ink pen road · world chess board]!

This is the name of that trick.

Take heaven and earth as chessboards, and sentient beings as chess pieces.

This is an extraordinary level of morality that breaks away from common sense.

This kind of Daoism, through the Huizhou Yinhao, combined with Ge Dan's realm, shows the powerful move of Fang Cai.

Yehong could clearly feel how strong Alikov was after the alienation.

That is not a simple transformation.

It is the ultimate strengthening of strength, defense, speed and other aspects.

Even Yehong was not sure that he could break the defense of Alecor at once.

But even so, Alecor was injured by Ge Dan's stroke, enough to see Ge Dan's strength.

Through observation, Ye Hong also got a better understanding of Cang Mo's brush strokes.

This is also a great help for the perfection of Ye Budo.

"Ding! Learning Cangmo pen and ink, Gu Daowu's ability to perceive +1, Gu Daowu's ability to learn +1..."

At this time, Alector, of course, also saw Ge Dan's respectful gesture to Ye Hong, and the whole person was stunned.

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