Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2034: Alecado counseled

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It is true that Alec lost to Ge Dan's hands.

Ge Dan's gesture of respect for Ye Hong was not a falsification.

Combining the two, Alec suddenly felt a little angling.

This is how he realized that he had underestimated Ye Hong!

This young man was able to gain the respect of being as powerful as Ge Dan, which is definitely not as simple as it seems!

Just when Alec was confused, Ye Hong also came to him.

Ye Hong stopped and glanced at Alecdor, saying lightly: "I didn't expect that the FCI senior inspector would deal with an ordinary old man.

I don't know how much negative effect this event will bring to FCI? "

Hearing Ye Hong's words, Jackson and Istiah's face changed immediately.

If other people said this, they would not care.

But who is this man?

Yan Guo Temple Advisor!

With the influence of Ye Hong in the temple, you can use the power of the temple to use the things tonight to completely stink FCI's international reputation.

At the thought of this consequence, Jackson and Istiah rushed to Yehong for a while.

Alecdo twitched his lips, turning his face a little awkwardly.

He is a famous old drunkard in FCI.

So when you smell the wine, the whole person's emotions will be severely affected, and many uncontrollable things are often done.

Previously it was because of the strength and status of Alecdor and the protection behind the FCI that this had not been punished.

Today, however, he touched a large wall, which forced Alexto to face this embarrassing situation.

He sighed silently: "Jackson, Istiah, please step back."

Immediately, he looked up at Yehong and said lightly: "Everyone is a smart person, put forward your request directly, don't turn around."

Ye Hong's mouth immediately raised a smile.

Alecdor really started to counsel.

In this case, Ye Hong would not be polite to him.

"I want free access to the underground laboratory in Tasi Town."

Ye Hong's opening is this requirement.

As long as you have this right, you can take someone into the laboratory for investigation.

But Alecor frowned: "Tasi town doesn't belong to me, change the request."

"No, even if you don't control it, you can do it, it's just a question of whether or not you want to do it." Ye Hong didn't let it go.

Alecdor's brows grew deeper and deeper, and he finally compromised: "Okay...but you can only get one month of free access."

A month?

Enough is enough.

"And..." Ye Hong's words weren't over yet. One finger next to Jackson and Istiah said: "I want to recruit two of them to help me."

The reason for this requirement is that Ye Hong considered it from three major points.

First, the character of Jackson and Istia is guaranteed and worthy of trust.

Secondly, after all, they are alienators and can also help deal with some situations.

Finally, it is because of their identity as FCI senior agents.

At that time, even if Alecor regretted that he wanted to do something behind his back, the two students who stayed next to Yehong were not so good at starting.

Hearing Ye Hong's request, Jackson and Isia were both in amazement, and then looked at Alecdor.

Although Alecdo could not fully see Yehong's intentions, he also realized that this requirement would make him quite passive.

So he shouted immediately: "Yehong, you don't have to get in!"

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